The Lion's Love Child

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Book: The Lion's Love Child by Jade White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jade White
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might record them in my research,” she said, trying to change the subject.
    “How is your research going?” he asked, still cradling their son in his arms.
    “It's going very well.  They might extend our project for another year.  There is so much to explore here.”  The university had made them the offer the month before and she and Shannon were still considering what to do about it.  They had never stayed in one place for a year at a time, let alone two years.
    “So then you and the boy will stay here,” he asked optimistically.
    “For another year at least if we accept the offer,” she nodded.  The thought of her and Shannon building a home for themselves on the nature preserve was strangely appealing to her.  In truth, she knew that they could do a lifetime of research there.
    “I'd like to be a part of his life,” he said, staring down at the baby in his arms.
    “I would really like that,” she sighed with relief.  The thought that Luke would have a father figure in his life took an enormous weight from her shoulders.
    “I can be here often,” he promised.  She could not imagine how that could be possible with his career, but the fact that he wanted to meant a great deal.
    “Won't your travel make that difficult?” she had to ask.  Though she hated to ruin the moment, she needed to know exactly what this promise could mean for her son.
    “It won't be a problem,” he said solemnly.
    “I'm really glad you want to be involved in his life,” she said, still unsure how any of it could work.  “Between Shannon and me raising him on our research sites and you coming around with your stories of wildlife photography, he will grow up to be a little adventurer.”
    “I think he's destined to be very connected to the natural world,” he said with pride.
    “I really hope so,” she said in agreement.  “Would you like to see his room?”
    He stood smoothly, the baby still in his arms, and followed her silently to the room.  He stood there, taking it all in.  It surprised her that it brought her such joy to see him standing in the baby’s room.  To see him standing amongst their son’s things, next to his crib, touched her heart more than she ever thought that it could.
    “It's lovely, very representative of the place where he was born,” he said eventually, though his mind still seemed to be processing everything.
    “Shannon put it together while I was recovering from labor,” she explained.
    “She did a wonderful job. She must be a very thoughtful woman. I look forward to meeting her.”  He looked, to her surprise, like he meant it.  Nobody she had ever dated had looked forward to meeting Shannon.  They usually found her best friend quite intimidating.
    Suddenly, they heard the sounds of shouting and running outside the cabin, pulling them from the peace of their little moment.  The sounds got louder and louder, with the sounds moving from the center of the village towards them.
    “What in the world is all that commotion?” he asked as they walked to the cabin door and looked outside.  They saw people scrambling around, rushing to find cover as three lionesses walked the main road.
    “The lions have come in to the village. They haven't done that once since we have been here,” Grace said.  Months earlier, she would have seen this as only a statistical anomaly.  She would have been huddled with Shannon, trying to find a way to observe what was happening and to determine what had brought them so close to civilization.  Now, all she could think of was her son and the dangers that the situation posed to him.
    “Take the baby back in to his nursery,” Dylan said with an edge in his voice.  “I'll check things out.”
    “Are you sure that is a good idea?” she gasped.  She knew it was illogical, but all she could think of was her son losing his father on the same day that he met him. 
    “It will be fine, just get the child to safety,” he commanded,

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