The Lion's Den (Faraway Book 2)

Read Online The Lion's Den (Faraway Book 2) by Eliza Freed - Free Book Online

Book: The Lion's Den (Faraway Book 2) by Eliza Freed Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eliza Freed
Tags: The Lion's Den
Carrie’s head back by her hair, and Carrie licked her lips. I stroked my dick and waited for instructions.
    Dharma moved to lay down on her coffee table and shoved Carrie’s face against her pussy again. Carrie rose up on knees and sucked some more.
    “Get on your knees, Brad. Behind her.” I did as I was told. I reached around Carrie’s waist, touching her wet pussy with two fingers. This was wrong, and the depravity of it made my dick throb harder. I rubbed my fingers together savoring the feel of Carrie. “Fuck her, Brad. Fuck her until you come.” She pressed Carrie’s mouth against her. “Fuck her in the ass, because mine is the only pussy you should be fucking.” I stopped and watched as Carrie reached behind and placed her finger in her ass. She took it out, never missing a beat on Dharma’s clit. “Fuck her, Brad.”
    I stuffed my dick in Carrie’s ass and completely forgot what I needed to talk to Dharma about.

Chief Vincent Pratt
    I PLUGGED THE TOASTER OVEN in next to the window and frowned. The outlet was so loose the plug practically fell out. The electrical was going to need to be updated along with everything else in the house. I was using the small bedroom at the top of the stairs as my makeshift kitchen. The one down stairs was gutted. I’d dragged a compact refrigerator, a microwave, a table with a folding chair, a milk crate, and this toaster oven up here for the time being. It was worse than my dorm room and my first apartment.
    Meredith being at the shore was making me insane. I couldn’t come up with another excuse to go down there. I couldn’t just drive by. The week dragged. I should have convinced her to come home when I was there but I hadn’t. Almost two full weeks had passed since her injury, but it felt like two years. It was time for her to come home. It was time for her to remember what her home was like.
    “Hello,” I heard Lynn yelling up the stairs. “Vince, are you up there?”
    I left the toaster oven and went into the hallway. Lynn was facing the top of the stairs with horror covering her face. “Come on up,” I said, watching as she touched the wallpaper in the foyer and then rubbed her fingers together to clean them.
    “So this is where you’re living?” she asked when she reached the landing. She walked past me and stuck her head into my kitchen before roaming the hall and peeking into my bedroom. It was the original master with large windows facing the front of the house. The ceiling was falling in the corner, and my twin bed was pushed against the far wall. Watching as she viewed it made it seem much worse than it had an hour ago. “Were things that bad at our house?” She laughed as she said it.
    “Of course not.” Lynn had loved the old house we’d rented when we were first married, but when it was time to buy, she’d insisted on new. She was tired of all the noises the old house had made. “How are you?”
    “I’m not sure. I keep waiting for you to come home from work, but then you don’t, and I remember I hate you.”
    “Let me finish.” The anger filled her eyes. It sucked the warmth from the room and left us both standing in the cold. “But mostly, I’m confused. Like when I stop hating you for a few minutes, I can’t figure out what happened. Why you’re doing this.” She paused and looked at the floor.
    “I’m sorry,” was all I could say. I knew it was nowhere near enough. It wasn’t too late to fix this, but it was the first time in years it didn’t feel broken to me.
    “Sorry for what? Because when I try to figure out what happened, the thing I keep coming back to is there must be someone else.”
    I stayed still. Uncomfortably so. Lynn deserved the truth, but the truth was if Meredith were still a part of my life, I’d still be a part of Lynn’s. Meredith would have left me if I left Lynn. The reality was too fucked up to share with her.
    “There’s no one else.” I didn’t let the pain that statement

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