The Lifesaving Power: Goldenfields and Stronghold

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Book: The Lifesaving Power: Goldenfields and Stronghold by Jeffrey Quyle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeffrey Quyle
look around. Activity was evident around two buildings at the far end of the yard, near where the Current Rider was docked.
    Alec spurred Walnut forward towards the remaining trouble at the site, and dismounted when he was within easy hailing range. He stopped to sniff the air momentarily, uneasy at some indefinable scentle scent stepped closer to where the attackers from Stronghold were besieging groups of sailors in the warehouse and office close by. “Parlton!” Alec bellowed loudly, trying to locate his friend. “Parlton!” he repeated twice more.
    The men in blue ribbons turned at the shouts, and a small group left the assault on the warehouse to deal with the noisy newcomer. Alec stood his ground with his sword in his hand, waiting for their arrival, as they spread out.
    The first to arrive attacked without any preliminaries, a large man driving forward in the expectation that his weight and size would carry him to quick victory. Instead he died a quick and quiet death, his face showing surprise only briefly as the length of metal penetrated his chest. Alec quickly attacked the man on his left, leaving only the two on his right. “Drop your swords!” he shouted at them. They complied instantly, leaving Alec with the dilemma of what to do with his newest conquests.
    “ Now, get out of here as fast as you can. Don’t stop running until you’ve left the dockyards, and don’t come back,” he said lamely, just wanting to get rid of them. He stood for a moment to watch them head through the open yard towards the gate.
    Alec returned to his small band of fellow Current Rider crew members. “Inspir, leave one man here to guard Francis, and you and the other come with me,” he pre-emptorily ordered. Beset by the extraordinary circumstances, the young officer acceded to Alec’s self-appointed command, and followed Alec around the grounds of the dock. “We’re going to gather up as many men as we can find, and work our way down to the warehouse to lift the siege there and join forces with the rest of Natha’s men,” Alec explained.
    Inspir nodded, and they began working their way past the various outbuildings, looking for other survivors as they passed doorways and windows. In that manner they located and gathered together several others who had scattered and hidden when the invasion burst onto the dockyards.
    “ Look now,” Alec pointed around a corner. His group of sailors all craned their necks in the direction he gestured towards. “We’re going to charge that group with the blue ribbons. Remain quiet until you’re a step away, then scream as you swing at them. We should be able to take that lot out and free our friends in the warehouse.”
    “ Who’s in there? How many are there?” two men asked.
    “ I don’t know,” Alec admitted. “Lieutenant Inspir said the captain’s dead, so we’ll hope to find Parlton and get all our folks together,” he added, not knowing what would come next.
    Alec led his small band across the open courtyard, but they were spotted by one of the Locksfort invaders, who raised a shout and turned toward Alec and the crew. Others turned as well, as Alec’s planned surprise was thwarted. “Spread out! Spread wide,” he ordered as he raised his own sword and charged at the middle of the group of over a dozen men with blue badges.
    Mindful that he was without his warrior ingenaire abilities, Alec began hacking and dodging, switching hands and trying to inspire thesailors, as well as distract their opponents. Two tall men with breast shields engaged him together, forcing Alec to slow and maneuver among the chaotic conditions. A man on his left swung at him, and Alec dipped, but still felt the point of the sword scratch his shoulder.
    He dove and rolled to the right, stabbing his sword up under the protective shield of one man, causing the man to double over while Alec stopped and stood behind the other man. Alec swung his sword high at that man’s scalp, opening a gash

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