The Lawman (Montana Men Book 1)

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Book: The Lawman (Montana Men Book 1) by Vanessa Vale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vanessa Vale
Ryder's impromptu spanking. My husband did not seem to have any of such concerns. In fact, he had the air of a well-satisfied male. The fact that it was because of me that he had such a look made me satisfied as well.
    "Ma'am. I heard you had quite the welcome to our town."
    Ryder's lips formed a thin line at the mention of Baxter. I envisioned the gruesome scene and would have wished for an alternate welcome. "Yes, well. I certainly got a glimpse of my husband's profession firsthand." I brushed down the front of my dress.
    "You did that, for sure."
    "Anything come up while we were gone?" Ryder obviously wanted to alter the topic of conversation.
    The older man ran his hand over raspy whiskers. "Your marriage is a secret no longer, however the how, when and why are still unanswered. I think you'll have much to convey."
    Ryder removed his saddlebag, which I knew held my drawers. Was he intending to carry them with him all the time?
    "I imagine nothing less," he murmured, seemingly not thrilled with the idea of sharing the details of our marriage.
    "Perhaps you'd like my help in disseminating the information?"
    I bit back a grin. The man was a busybody!
    "Ellie and I met two years ago when I went to Minneapolis with Wyatt. We conversed via letter and grew. I proposed and she accepted."
    Both Mr. Leudke and I stared at Ryder during this explanation. The older man was gobbling up the details to share with the town; no doubt he'd be the center of attention as he did so. I, on the other hand, wanted to absorb his story so that I could be in complete alignment. It was only a matter of time before we were separated and I would be part of a ladies circle and bombarded with questions.
    "That sounds mighty romantic, if you ask me."
    "Thank you, Mr. Leudke," I said, smiling at the man.
    "Little Robert Dray was caught outside the Mercantile with a pilfered stick candy," Mr. Leudke added, switching topics.
    Handing the bridle off, Ryder replied, "I'll take care of him. Have a good evening."
    The man tipped his hat once again and Ryder led me by a gentle hold on my elbow in the direction of our house. "How old is Robert Dray?"
    "Eight or nine, I suppose," Ryder commented.
    "What will you do with him?"
    "I'll take him to jail--"
    I stopped walking. "Jail? He's nine!"
    Ryder sighed. "Ellie, you didn't let me finish." I pinched my lips together. "I'll take him to jail and let him sit in the cell, get a feel for what it's like to be on the wrong side of the law. If he doesn't wet himself or start to cry, I'll watch him like a hawk as he grows up. Those are the ones that have little conscience."
    "You won't keep him there?" I let him lead me down the hard packed thoroughfare, our pace brisk.
    "No need. A few minutes usually does the trick."
    Every time we spoke of any type of illegal activity, it had my insides churning with worry. If he wanted to scare the daylights out of a nine year old, then I could only imagine his plans once he found out I was a murderer. The marriage was most likely doomed, as I doubted he'd bend when it came to his fervent morals. I respected him for them, believed in them myself, yet within the briefest moments, I'd crossed to the other side. With one strike of the rock, I'd become wanted.
    "Is there a reason we are walking so quickly?" I asked, my breaths becoming labored. My short strides were no match for his long legs.
    "I expect to meet half the town, however tomorrow is soon enough. Tomorrow I will have to share you. I want to be safely inside before anyone sees us."
    As anticipated, the first knock came at ten the next morning. And, as anticipated, it was Myrna Flanders and her mother. They were both dressed in their Sunday finest, the older woman holding a pie.
    "We came with a gift of congratulations." The woman smiled, although her tone was brittle. There was no doubt she was disappointed that I'd not only married Ellie, but that it remained a surprise until it was a fait

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