The Last Operation (The Remnants of War Series, Book 1)

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Book: The Last Operation (The Remnants of War Series, Book 1) by Patrick Astre Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patrick Astre
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where the pink tipped white wrist bones protruded, enfolding and securing the hand and knife. Daniel's own power added to the immense upward inertia, continued the move, looking directly at the man's face. The knife penetrated through El Toro's right eye socket, destroying the soft tissue, traversing the brain until the tip rested against the inside of the skull in the back of his head. El Toro died instantly, his brain skewered by the serrated blade. Daniel gave a gentle shove and the convulsing corpse fell on its back, the knife handle like an obscene protrusion from the eye socket.
    Daniels turned and suddenly caught the image of Carlos, his arm straight out, holding the Berreta steady in his direction. There was no time to move. Soon as he saw him, Carlos fired the weapon.

    Chapter 10

    Richard Daniels heard the bullet buzz, felt the air pressure by his head. He crouched and whirled in time to see Rat, his hand holding a large revolver pointed at him. Rat had a surprised expression on his face and a round red hole in his forehead from Carlos' bullet. He pitched face forward in the red dirt. A little puff of dust kicked up and some flies began to settle on the two corpses.
    Carlos walked over to Daniels, the Berreta hanging limp from his arm. His eyes were wide open and the bushy mustache danced on his quivering lip. His hand trembled slightly as his head shook from side to side.
    "Caribbean Stone Fish, eh?" said Carlos.
    "I thought you didn't like National Geographics?"
    " Madre de Dios , you took down El Toro. I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it. But tell me Pandejo, tell me just one thing, how did you know he would come at you with the knife? What if he had pulled out that little machine gun he keeps in his car, how did you know he wouldn't do that?"
    "I know the type. I studied it. He's a sadist. He wants to feel the pain he inflicts, the death at the end of his arm. He can't do that with a gun. Plus he's a big man, not used to meeting someone who can take him. For him, it was going to be recreation."
    "By the way," added Daniels, "what's a Pandejo ?"
    "You don't want to know, Amigo. But I tell you one thing: You done a lot of good killing that big Maricone. "
    "Didn't do so bad yourself. Definitely saved my ass from this one," said Daniels, pointing to Rat's corpse.
    "So how'd you know, how did you know, like I wouldn't run on you?"
    A narrow hint of a smile flashed across Daniels' face as a devil-hot gust of wind blew dirt around them.
    "Maybe I know your type."
    Carlos held Daniels' gaze and shrugged .
    "This is going to lighten the odds a little for us when we go in," Daniels said, looking down at Toro's corpse, speckled with flies like foul raisins.
    "No it won't, Compadre , on the contrary. When El Toro doesn't show up by morning, they'll be stirred up like an overturned anthill. You're going to have to cancel this."
    Daniels shook his head. "No. We're going in tonight."
    * * *
    They dragged the corpses into the ruins of the mill and drove the Mercedes under an overhanging rock ledge. At four PM Daniels hooked the laptop to the Landrover cigar lighter plug and deployed the satellite antenna.
    * * *
    He entered ALPHA-00X. The immediate Go signal.
    The replies came instantly.
    * * *
    All teams had given the immediate ready codes. Daniels turned to Carlos
    "Okay, you're in Amigo . Here's how it's going down..."

    Chapter 11

    The guard's jaw dropped when Carlos drove up to the gate in his old truck with the blonde sitting on the front seat. She was that stunning—Hollywood beautiful with long blonde hair, blue eyes and classic Nordic features. Light makeup and pink lipstick highlighted a model's face that could have come straight out of Vogue or Elle. The guard strained to see a little more as he keyed the remote operating the Ferro-cement gate. A tight, black and red dress highlighted the blonde's generous breasts swelling the thin cotton fabric. The

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