The Knight's Seduction

Read Online The Knight's Seduction by Renee Rose - Free Book Online

Book: The Knight's Seduction by Renee Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renee Rose
her ear.
    “I felt foolish, all right? Your men already think I am fodder for their jokes—”
    “That is not true,” he said, then amended. “Or perhaps I should say I will not allow any jokes at your expense.” He turned her in his arms, distressed to see tears glinting on her eyelashes. “Little wife,” he said, cupping her chin. “I would flatten any man who insulted you.”
    She blinked rapidly, meeting his gaze and swallowing.
    “You are my wife, subject to my rules and punishments like every wife here at the castle. If the men enjoyed our public difficulties, it is only because you are so beautiful and they are unused to seeing me attend to a woman. I’m certain they love seeing your fire as much as I do.”
    Her lips moved, then closed again. She swallowed. “My fire?”
    He showed her the swollen bite mark on his hand. “Aye, your fire. Tell me, which is more exciting to watch—the training of a new colt, born in captivity, or of a wild stallion?”
    She raised an eyebrow. “Are you saying I’m a wild stallion and you’re taming me?”
    “Well, mayhap a mare,” he said with a grin.
    She rolled her eyes. “I thought you said you weren’t trying to break me?”
    He chuckled. “So I did. And I meant it. I am trying to woo you, little bride.” He grasped her braid and tugged her head back, nipping at her neck. “And I will not stop before your heart is won.”
    “My heart or my body?” she asked drily.
    “Your body already belongs to me,” he reminded her, traveling up her neck to take her earlobe into his mouth. “The little matter of our consummation will soon be settled. Nay, it’s your heart I aim to capture and keep for my whole life long.” He touched his fingers to the fluttering pulse at her throat. “I think that excites you.”
    She pulled away, stumbling back. “No, sir. It does not. I assure you, men do not excite me.”
    He gave her a wolfish smile. “I’ve never seen two women together, but it might interest me to watch.”
    She gave him an effectual shove. “I’m not interested in women, either, you boar!”
    He laughed. “Mind your manners, or I’ll have you over my knee before supper. In fact,” he said, scooping her up by the waist and carrying her kicking and thrashing to the bed. “Let’s see how your little bottom fared after that thrashing I gave you this morning.”
    “Stop,” she squealed. “No more spanking! No, please!”
    “Good,” he said, wrestling her to his lap on the bed. “I’m glad you’ve finally learned to fear my punishments.”
    “Stop it, you oaf.”
    He delivered a slap to her wriggling arse. “Now I am an oaf? I wasn’t planning on spanking you, but if you keep it up, you will soon be sorry.”
    “What are you doing?” she demanded, craning her neck to look over her shoulder. “Not… the other thing?”
    “What other thing?” he asked, hiding his smile as he pushed her skirts up to reveal her pert, round bottom. He ran his roughened palm lightly over her skin. She bore marks from the whipping that morning but it did not look quite so tender as it had hours before.
    Daisy had stiffened, her struggles ceasing as she lay over his thighs, panting, seeming to wait to see what he would do.
    He took his time, lightly stroking her baby-soft skin, tracing circles around her twin globes, trailing his palm down the backs of her thighs. After a moment, he smelled the scent of her arousal. He pulled one of her thighs open and lightly brushed a finger along her slit.
    She jerked and tried to close her legs, but he had anticipated her move, and held her thigh open.
    “You’re wet for me, Daisy,” he murmured.
    “I… I don’t even know what that means,” she said.
    “I know, love. You don’t know anything about passion yet. But I will teach you. Little by little I’ll win your trust until you believe that what I offer you is something altogether different than what you’ve known.”
    “Please,” she pleaded, sounding

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