The Kissing Booth

Read Online The Kissing Booth by Beth Reekles - Free Book Online

Book: The Kissing Booth by Beth Reekles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beth Reekles
Tags: Juvenile Fiction, Love & Romance, cookie429, Extratorrents, Kat
phone like I was actually doing something. Really, I was clicking on random apps and then going off them again. I hoped I didn’t look as worried and nervous as I felt.
    ‘Stood up?’
    I jumped out of my skin, and smacked Noah across his incredibly rock-hard chest. ‘Don’t scare me like that! And no, actually, he’s on his way.’
    He smirked. ‘I thought you said you wanted to keep him waiting.’
    ‘Yeah, well . . .’
    ‘Told you so.’
    ‘Noah, go home. What are you, stalking me?’
    ‘Just enjoying the show,’ he smirked. ‘You look like you’ve been stood up, you know.’
    ‘Well, not so much now you’re here, really,’ I retorted. ‘Ha. Don’t look so stupid now, do I? Besides, Cody’s probably just caught in traffic or something. It’s no big deal.’
    He nodded dubiously. We stood in silence another endless minute. I kept wondering if I should start conversation, but then I’d remind myself I was mad at him and close my mouth. I must’ve looked like a fish, opening and closing my mouth like that.
    It didn’t help that Noah was incredibly distracting: he leaned on the post opposite me, watching me wring my hands nervously.
    I turned and smiled, seeing Cody walk up to me. ‘Hi.’
    His eyes flitted past me to Noah, who was giving him the coldest look I’d ever seen. Scary. Threatening.
    I tried not to grind my teeth. ‘Isn’t it time you left, Noah?’
    He glared a second longer at Cody before shrugging and getting back into his car, leaving without another word. A sigh of relief escaped my lips and I relaxed.
    ‘Sorry, I had to stop for gas. Queues were unbelievable. Sorry. Let’s go on in,’ Cody said, jerking his head at the doors. I smiled and followed him. ‘Do you want to grab some snacks? I’ll get the tickets.’
    ‘Sure. Uh, salted popcorn okay?’
    ‘Yeah, that’s great.’ He shot me a smile, but as I turned away I wondered if it had been a little strained. Huh. Probably just me imagining things. As I ordered the popcorn, I wondered if I should’ve gone for something less . . . well, something that didn’t get stuck in your teeth. If we did end up kissing at all, then . . . I sighed. I was just way too inexperienced when it came to date etiquette.
    I thanked the vendor and made my way back to where Cody was waiting, a scowl on his face.
    ‘What was Flynn doing out there?’ he asked me. Oh, so
what the frown was for!
    ‘Just . . . being Flynn,’ I muttered, shaking my head. ‘Forget about it.’
    ‘I didn’t know you guys were close.’
    ‘We’re not. Lee couldn’t give me a ride, so Noah – so Flynn did.’
    ‘Oh. Right.’
    We walked into the screen, the adverts already playing. I let Cody lead and pick the seats. He went for some more toward the middle. Not at the back, where the couples would all be making out. I didn’t know whether or not that was a good thing.
    ‘Do you want to get something to eat after?’ I whispered, plucking up the courage.
    ‘I ate earlier, sorry . . . I didn’t know . . . but, I mean, if you’re—’
    ‘Oh, no, that’s fine,’ I said quickly.
    ‘Shh!’ somebody hissed behind us.
    I rolled my eyes and ducked back down in my seat. The movie came on, and I didn’t know what to do. I wondered if Cody would be cheesy and do The Yawn, and put his arm around me. Or if he’d claim the armrest and I’d hold his hand. Or if he’d try and kiss me.
    So far, I didn’t know whether or not this date had been successful. He’d been late, though he’d been polite enough. He hadn’t tried to make a move, but maybe I was blowing things out of proportion. Maybe it was just in books and movies that guys made a move or kissed you on the first date? Maybe he was just as nervous as I was. Probably – he had every right to be nervous about Flynn’s threats to any boy who looked at me, let alone dated me.
    It was just ridiculous. I hated Noah sometimes.
    The movie ended and we walked out. Cody

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