The Kiss Of The Don 1 (Romantic Suspense) (The Famiglia Serials)

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Book: The Kiss Of The Don 1 (Romantic Suspense) (The Famiglia Serials) by S.K. Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.K. Lee
your success rate in this department and I have a lot of work to do in this area… I’d do anything to know how to be more successful with women…”
    Enzo looked at him in surprise - he didn’t expect that, but at least the kid was honest and straightforward.
    “You’d do anything, uh?”
    “Okay, why don’t you go and get me some coffee then? I’m kind of thirsty…”
    “Aww… Sure… I’ll be back, Mr. Fancelli.”
    As soon as Jeff left, the desk phone rang. Enzo was kind of surprised - he wasn’t expecting any call. It was his first day after all, who would call him at work that early?
    He put down Jeff’s resume on the table and picked up the phone.
    “Enzo Fancelli speaking.” He said, leaning back in his chair.
    A woman who sounded pretty confused and alarmed mumbled something. Enzo struggled to hear her clearly, as she was trying to cover a loud noise in the background. People were shouting and yelling at each other and Enzo instinctively knew something was going on.
    “Mr. Fancelli, this is the reception. Could you…” she paused and took a deep breath. “Could you please come downstairs? There is a group of people fighting with the security, and they say they want to see you.”
    Enzo suddenly felt his chest become tight. “Sure. I’ll be there in a minute.”
    He quickly jumped on his feet and grabbed his cell phone. He looked around to see if anybody was looking at him, but everybody was busy watching their screen. Enzo checked the time - it was 9:36am and the markets had opened already.
    He quickly put the resume in his drawer and rushed to the men’s restrooms, but on the way, he met Jeff who was bringing him his coffee.
    “Hey Mr. Fancelli, here’s your coffee. But I don’t know if you like it with sugar or not…” Jeff told him.
    Enzo didn’t want to be rude but he had an important phone call to make. “It’s okay, I take my coffee black.” He’d formed the habit of not taking sugar from Victoria, back in the days.
    Jeff kept staring at Enzo, waiting for him to grab his cup.
    “Jeff, can you bring it to my desk please? I need to do something now…” Enzo said.
    “Okay. I’ll wait for you over there. Oh and by the way, I stumbled upon Ms. De Lissieu and she said she wants you in her office to give you your objectives for the year.”
    “Oh really? When?” Enzo asked, feeling stressed.
    “She said you can go to see her in ten minutes. I think she wants you to start working as soon as possible.”
    “Alright, thanks.”
    “You’re welcome. I’ll be waiting at your desk, Mr. Fancelli.” Jeff said, before walking away.
    Enzo thought he was a bit rude to Jeff, and felt guilty but he didn’t time to talk much. He called him back.
    “Hey Jeff!”
    “Okay, here’s the secret for you to be more successful with women… Just remember that; you will lose money chasing women but you will never lose women chasing money… Trust me, as soon as you hit it big financially, your pussy rate will significantly increase. I really have to go now… and stop calling me Mr. Fancelli, it makes me feel old!”
    “Wow thanks, Mr. Fan… Enzo!”
    Enzo left and finally entered the restrooms. He made sure he was alone. Lucky for him, everybody was busy trading at that time and he locked himself inside.
    He quickly dialed Danny’s number and his deep voice answered. “Enzo? Where are you? We need to talk.”
    “Where the hell do you think I am? I’m at work Danny, you know it! Is it you downstairs with your thugs?”
    Danny ignored the question. “We need to talk, Enzo. Come here, now!”
    Enzo became red. He hated to receive orders, especially from someone working for his dad.
    “Danny, this is my first day here. I can’t leave just like that. What the hell do you want? If you need to talk, just talk now!”
    “Enzo, stop

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