The Keepers: Declan

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Book: The Keepers: Declan by Rae Rivers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rae Rivers
immobilizing it.
    If only it wasn’t temporary.
    “Kate!” Declan grunted, fury twisting his expression.
    She whirled around as Max and Rick stepped through the broken sliding doors, glass crunching beneath their boots.
    Spotting Declan, they charged him simultaneously.
    Declan shoved her away and she reared back, only to collide with Harper who’d come in the back way. She lashed out, her fist connecting with him in a powerful punch.
    He caught her wrist, twisting her arm behind her, and slammed her body against his. Thick arms snaked around her, and a syringe was shoved into her neck. “I told you I’d come for you,” he laughed, his voice thick with mockery. He inhaled deeply, breathing her in, and dipped his face against hers. This time, all traces of amusement had vanished. “Ah, a Bennett. I’d recognise his scent anywhere, I just never expected it on you.”
    A shudder ripped through her and everything went blurry, numb, and she sought out Declan as she crumbled.
    As he struggled with his attackers, their gazes met and held for a long moment until her eyes fluttered closed.
    Everything inside him hammered in protest as Declan saw Kate succumb to the drug. Rose Thorn? Shit.
    He fought for his own consciousness, his protective instincts hampered in a way that was driving him crazy. “KATE!” he roared, charging Harper with every ounce of remaining strength he had.
    Harper’s warriors were on him before he even got close to her. He fought them off with a low growl, digging deep for the strength that evaded him. In a tumble of blurry movements, he swung his fists, but they kept coming until they had him subdued. Thanks to the drugs, what would have been an impossible task was now an easy one.
    What the hell had she given him?
    “Kate!” he rasped, as he saw Harper hoist her across his shoulder. Her hair and arms hung loosely down his back as he walked away. Declan tried to break free but stumbled, the warriors pinning him to the ground. The right side of his face crushed into the carpet. With two heavy men on top of him, Declan watched Kate disappear onto the porch. He grunted as a rumble of furious energy bubbled inside.
    He focused that energy on the metal porch railing outside, channelling the fury. As Harper marched toward the stairs, the railings began to groan from the onslaught of heat. The stairs caught fire, destroying their escape route.
    “What’s happening?” Max shouted.
    Harper turned back to the house, Kate still slung across his shoulder. “It’s the Keeper. What the fuck are you waiting for?” he bellowed at his men. “I have the woman. Destroy him!”
    Declan heaved backward with all the strength he had, shoving the surprised men off him. He struggled to his feet as something heavy and hard smashed against his head. He dropped to the ground with a fierce growl. “
    “Let’s get out of here!” Max bellowed as a nearby curtain went up in flames, and delivered a final kick into Declan’s ribs.
    And everything went black.

    Failure burned more than Declan cared to admit.
    And although he should welcome the unrelenting headache as it meant he was alive, it only fuelled his frustration.
    Refusing to dwell on the mammoth crap of Kate’s disappearance, Declan turned his Harley Davidson toward Rapid Falls.
    A town where people were friendly, sociable and determined to maintain their traditions. A peaceful village surrounded by mountains, rivers and grape vineyards.
    Peaceful, my ass.
    Frustration chewing at the last of his patience, he slowed the bike to a crawl and made his way through the main road. The street was lined with ancient trees, immaculate gardens, quaint stores, and old thatched buildings meticulously restored by the townsfolk. Everything was shrouded in snow.
    It was quite a contrast to the hustle and bustle of New Orleans.
    He parked his bike outside his brother’s restaurant, abandoned his helmet on the seat and went inside, waving

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