The Justice Game

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Book: The Justice Game by Randy Singer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Randy Singer
involving price fixing at one of America’s largest oil companies. Getting this verdict right would serve up enormous investment opportunities for Justice Inc. and its clients. It was rumored that Justice Inc. alone might invest nearly two hundred million. It would be the most scrutinized case Jason had tried during his time at the company.
        It was nearly 8:30 in the morning on a gloomy mid-September day with an overcast sky that threatened steady rain. Jason laced up his running shoes, determined to get a quick run in before the showers started. He listened to the legal commentators try to make sense of yesterday’s verdict in the Van Wyck case.
        Though he knew Justice Inc. had backed the wrong horse, he personally took satisfaction in the result. Jason had done what the real prosecutors could not. At the same time, he had told Andrew Lassiter that he had a bad feeling about the prosecution’s case—a hunch that had been proven right.
         I operate on facts, Lassiter had said. You operate on feelings.
        Chalk one up for feelings.
        Heading out the door, Jason heard the double vibration of his BlackBerry, signaling a new e-mail. He knew he should let it go, but that was impossible. The devices were called “CrackBerries” for a reason.
        The e-mail was from Robert Sherwood, requesting a meeting with Jason at 10 a.m. in Sherwood’s office.
        Jason stared at the e-mail for a moment, his mind racing with the implications. Unlike Andrew Lassiter, Mr. Sherwood was not inclined to hang out with young associates. In fact, Jason had been in Sherwood’s office on only three prior occasions, and one of those preceded his hiring.
        It probably had to do with the upcoming case in Houston or maybe the Van Wyck verdict. Whatever it was, Jason had an uneasy feeling about the meeting.
        He pulled off his running shoes and headed for the shower. There were stories about young lawyers who kept Mr. Sherwood waiting. None of them had happy endings.

    Jason exited the cab at 9:50, tipped the driver, and ran through the drizzle into a lobby that had given him goose bumps just eighteen months earlier. A white marble floor with tastefully placed brown marble squares, a granite rectangle that housed an oasis of green plants and flowers in the middle of the lobby, mirrored brass trim all around, and a security guard/receptionist smiling behind a mahogany wood desk all symbolized New York power, prestige, and status. This was the heart of New York, New York. Serious money was made here.
        Jason rode the elevator to the twentieth floor, studying his own reflection during the rapid rise. He was the only associate who would think of attending a meeting like this without a suit. Instead, he wore plain black pants and a button-down, long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Jason was from Atlanta, where business casual was an art form. But more important, he worked hard to project a kind of casual attitude, a veneer to hide the ultracompetitive overachieving personality that lurked just beneath the surface. For close observers, there were hints of the real Jason Noble, like the fingernails chewed down to a nub during a stressful trial. But he had become a pro at hiding most of them.
        “Good morning, Mr. Noble.” A pretty receptionist flashed a blinding smile.
         The firm ought to issue sunglasses.
        Jason checked in, and a few minutes later an equally stunning woman showed up to escort Jason down the hall to Robert Sherwood’s office. Jason thought about the snide comments made by young female associates who belittled the obvious importance of looks as part of Justice Inc.’s hiring criteria for staff. Funny how the male associates never complained.
        The woman ushered Jason into the inner sanctum of Sherwood’s large corner suite. “Mr. Sherwood will be right back,” she said. “My name is Olivia. Please let me know if you need

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