The Journal: Fault Line (The Journal Book 5)
secure store. If
you help me, I’ll pay you in food.” He had withdrawn to his side of
the table, leaving Christine reeling from the brief kiss.
    “May I ask you a personal question, Trevor?”
Christine said a few minutes later after she composed herself.
    “Sure, ask away.”
    “Well, it’s not really a question. You’re a
really good looking guy and obviously smart and successful, so I’m
surprise you’re not married or have a girlfriend. Or do you?” She
hesitated. “I’m sorry, maybe that’s too personal.”
    “It’s personal sure, but I don’t have a
problem telling you.” He leaned back against the couch looking into
his glass of wine. “I’m not married and I don’t have a girlfriend.
Frankly, I haven’t had time to date, much less consider a serious
relationship. I’ve been too busy building my business. I work
twelve to fifteen hours a day, and never the same hours. I rotate
between the three stores filling in, doing payroll, restocking, all
those little things that help me keep in touch with what the stores
are doing. That kind of schedule isn’t conducive to having a
relationship last.” He took a sip from his glass. “What about you?
Why aren’t you married with a couple of kids?”
    “Similar story. I’ve been busy going to
school and working on my career. Besides, I haven’t met anyone I
wanted to settle down with, at least not yet,” she answered. “And
thanks for being honest with me. I think that’s important.”
    Trevor tossed and turned most of the night.
When he wasn’t thinking about his business, he was thinking about
Christine. Earthquakes and blue eyes, a combination deadly to a
peaceful rest. He finally gave up trying to sleep and turned on the
TV. The news splashed across his big screen. Food shortages were
already being felt and were resulting in riots. Law enforcement was
highly suggesting staying out of the major cities and backing it up
with curfews and roadblocks. It wouldn’t be long before the
violence spilled out of the city and into the quiet suburbs. Trevor
had another decision to make.
    He paced his kitchen while the coffee maker
did its thing and delivered a mellow cup of brew. With pen and
paper in hand, he sat at the tiny table and made some notes. It
stymied him how best to keep his stores from being raided and
vandalized. Unless he didn’t have anything left…
    Trevor waited until nine in the morning to
call Christine.
    “I’m glad you’re up. Can I stop over? I have
something I need to bounce off of someone and I think you might be
the best one for an objective view,” he said when she answered on
the first ring. When he had left the night before, parting was
awkward. He’d really wanted to kiss her, he was also afraid that
once he started he wouldn’t want to stop. He was drawn to her like
no one before, and for some reason that escaped him, he wanted to
take their relationship slow, hoping it would finally be the one
that might last.
    “Sure, I’ll put on a fresh pot of coffee,”
Christine said, her heart racing with the thought of seeing Trevor
again. When he didn’t even try to kiss her goodnight, she feared
that it was over between them before it even had a chance to
    By the time Trevor arrived, Christine had
changed clothes three times and reset the table twice.
    “You look really good in the morning,” he
said shyly. “Have I told you yet today you’re beautiful?” He cupped
her chin with his hand and gently kissed her. “Wow, I’d like to do
that again, I’m afraid I would get too distracted though, and today
is going to be a busy day.”
    They sat at the kitchen table sipping fresh
coffee, Trevor with his notepad and Christine listening while he
explained his dilemma.
    “I’ve got three stores, you know that. What I
also have currently is near empty shelves, though there is a good
amount of stock in the back of each store. What I’m also faced with
is the possibility of

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