The Island Of Alphas: A BBW Paranormal Romance

Read Online The Island Of Alphas: A BBW Paranormal Romance by Amira Rain, Simply Shifters - Free Book Online

Book: The Island Of Alphas: A BBW Paranormal Romance by Amira Rain, Simply Shifters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amira Rain, Simply Shifters
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my mind had been racing a mile a minute, flitting from shock to shock, and thought to thought. But one thought, or rather, several thoughts that made up a mystery, in particular, kept jumping out at me. Eric was no older than his early thirties.
    Yet, supposedly, he and the other shifters had been created during the Cold War, which had been some three or four decades earlier. He'd also said that the Gray Forms had begun troubling the villages about two decades earlier, which would have made Eric no more than a preteen at the time. Something wasn't adding up. I was also recalling Laura's vagueness when I'd asked her how long she'd been a nurse, which had struck me as strange at the time, though I hadn't really thought about it since.
    Seeming to notice my wheels turning, Eric told me to ask him any questions I had for him. "Anything at all. Ask me whatever you're wondering about."
    "The time line of all this. It doesn't make sense. Or does it somehow? What am I missing?"
    "Only something that all of us on the island don't even fully understand. Though we have normal twenty-four-hour days like the rest of the normal world, time is somehow skewed here. Either the outside world moves faster, or we move slower, or we simply don't age very fast here. At the rate we're all aging, or aging incredibly slowly rather, we figure maybe the outside world will advance a hundred years before most of us are even in our fifties. Which is one reason some folks are actually a little on the fence about even wanting to go back to the States at all.
    “On one hand, we can stay here battling the Gray Forms and always being in danger, but we'll all get to enjoy unnaturally long lifespans. On the other hand, we could all return home, but only live as long as regular people in America. Though, of course, this issue doesn't even matter compared to our current infertility crisis. It seems likely that we'll all be here on the island forever, and eventually our people will die out.
    “At the rate we've been reproducing, or have not been reproducing the past decade or so, it's already started. Which is why I brought you here and why we still need your help."
    I sighed, wishing I had a better report for him. "I'm afraid there's still a lot of work to do. All I've been able to determine the past week or so, is what you already seemed to have known...that most of the women here are anovulatory. Precisely meaning, they're still having cycles, but they're 'blank' cycles, to speak. There are no eggs being released for the men to fertilize, anyway. And I just haven't been able to figure out why.
    “None of the tests I've done have shed any light, and now, considering all you've just told me, I have to wonder if there's some sort of a supernatural component to the bizarre as that sounds, but really, I'm beginning to think anything is possible on this island.
    “Though if this is the case...that the infertility is being somehow supernaturally caused...I hate to say it, but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to help. I'm not saying there's no hope, but...I don't think there's much hope."
    With his deep gray eyes troubled, Eric took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "It was my fear that you'd eventually say that. But there is still a way you can help."
    Eric hesitated before responding. "Before I get to that, please just let me say something else first, and I'm just going to be fairly blunt about it, I guess. I think you're an incredibly smart, attractive, beautiful woman, Liz. The moment I saw your picture in the newspaper article, I was attracted to you. Your beautiful smile, your sparkling blue eyes, your gorgeous figure...just, everything."
    With a rush of heat rising to my face, I sat speechless.
    Eric continued without skipping a beat. "Then I found out more about you...about the caring and dedication you showed to your patients, and I became even more drawn to you. When I

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