The Irresistible Tycoon

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Book: The Irresistible Tycoon by Helen Brooks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helen Brooks
life. She stared at him and then as the lift glided gently to a halt she saw the gleam in his eyes. It could have been anger, it could have been irritation or a whole host of things, but to her utter humiliation she rather suspected it was dark amusement. And if nothing else it restored her fighting spirit in a way nothing else could have done.
    â€˜I really don’t know what you are talking about,’ she said with painful self-dignity. ‘I merely stated that I don’t like physical contact, that’s all.’
    â€˜I don’t consider taking your arm physical contact in any real meaning of the words.’ It was cool, firm and completely without emotion. ‘So you had better get used to it, okay? I’m not about to watch every movement I make in case I offend you, Kim, so get your head round that and save us both a lot of trouble.’
    Her mouth had widened slightly in a little O of surprise and when the lift doors opened in the next instant and his cool hand cupped her elbow she offered no resistance at all. They were through Reception and out into the front car park within seconds, and he guided her over to the gleaming Aston Martin without speaking, opening the passenger door for her with a courtesy she suspected was entirely natural.
    Kim sank into the luxurious confines of the powerful car and watched him helplessly as he walked round the sleek low bonnet. She hated him. She really hated him, she told herself bitterly. He was the most unfeeling, callous, hard brute of a man she had ever met—and that included Graham. No amount of money was worth this.
    She had continued staring straight ahead, her cheeksburning, after he had slid into the car, and when after a long moment or two he spoke, very softly, her head jerked in surprise to meet the silver-grey of his eyes.
    â€˜I handled that very badly. I’m sorry,’ Lucas said quietly.
    If the ground had suddenly opened beneath them and engulfed the car she couldn’t have been more surprised.
    â€˜You hit me on the raw,’ he admitted softly. ‘I didn’t like being put in the position of feeling like some sexual pervert. I’ve never had that happen to me before.’
    â€˜Lucas, I…’ She had gone all hot inside and had never felt more out of her depth. It wasn’t just his apology, surprising though it was, but the disturbing fact that he was closer than he had ever been and his overall maleness was swamping her to a point where she felt breathless.
    He was so big and dark and masculine and in this present mood, with his deep voice slightly husky and smoky and his amazing eyes intent on her face, the magnetism that was an intrinsic part of his dangerous attractiveness was heightened tenfold.
    â€˜Was it your marriage?’ he asked, with a gentleness she would have sworn he was incapable of.
    Oh, hell, what did she say now? She said the only thing she could in view of the fact that he had abased himself so utterly. ‘Yes.’ It was tight and stiff. ‘It was my marriage.’
    â€˜I’m sorry.’
    He really sounded as though he was, but, having turned to look through the windscreen once more, Kim didn’t dare meet those devastating arctic eyes again. ‘It’s all right.’ It was inane but all she could manage. ‘Shouldn’t we go now?’
    â€˜Did he hurt you? Physically, I mean?’ There was a strange note in Lucas’s voice and Kim wasn’t to know her ruthless, cold, unemotional boss was in the grip of feelings new to him.
    The silence stretched and lengthened until it was so tautKim felt she would either scream or faint. She did neither, merely saying, in a small, chilled little voice, ‘I don’t want to be rude but I can’t discuss it, Lucas.’
    She didn’t expect him to let it go without a fight but he surprised her for the second time in as many minutes when he started the engine without another

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