The Invisible Husband
blurred as she remembered his soft
tender kisses; in the stillness of her room she was sure she could
hear someone was faintly calling, ‘Adam…Adam…Adam…’ She turned back
to look at the room; she was alone. She shook her head and sighed
with disappointment at having missed seeing his face. Tucking her
treasures in a dressing table drawer, she rang for her maid and
spent the time waiting trying to find the button to open the secret
door. If she could figure out how to get into his room she’d do a
little surprising of her own. The thought made her heart throb. She
glanced again at her chest and shook her head in irritation. She’d
obviously she’d eaten too much…or something.

    Breakfasting in
the over decorated dining room, she sent a scribbled note to her
husband that he could watch her eat if he pleased, but all the
painted eyes staring down at her remained static. There was no
sensation of being watched. After wasting an hour prolonging her
meal she decided to try a more direct approach. She tip-toed up to
the door of his library and slowly tried the handle. Her attempt at
cunning was met with disappointment. Footsteps approached the door.
The inner keyhole guard swung up, “It’s locked!” The whisper was
full of humour.

    She stuck her
tongue out the door before leaning against it. “I got your love
letter. Don’t you want to see me wearing your broach?”

    “Tempting your
Lord is a sin.” The whispered words seemed to have been formed with
a smile.

    “Why didn’t you
come watch me eat? I ate so slow my food was starting to freeze by
the time I finished.”

    “Watching you
through a wall makes me feel like a peeping Tom. I’d much rather
breathe the same air…my heart would rather breathe your air.” The
strange ache in Eve’s chest seemed to deepen as she heard that
strange imploring whisper again, ‘Adam…Adam…Adam…’ She looked
around to see if anyone was near. Had her husband paid one of his
servants to follow her and whisper his name? “Eve? Are you still

    “You’re not
having me followed are you?”

    “No, why? Are
you in danger?”

    “It’s nothing.
I’m being silly, but I think you should let me in. I’d be safe in
there. You could show me your favourite parts of the globe.”

    “My heart is
demanding I let you in; the silly creature thinks you the sweetest
most perfect woman ever born. It can’t believe you’d reject me just
because I’m hideous, but it’s been wrong before. Forgive me Eve,
but I couldn’t bear to be rejected today. Maybe tomorrow morning
I’ll feel more reckless.”

    “But you came
to wake me this morning.”

    “It was first
light; I was barely more than a shadow.” Eve scowled at the door
and wondered how she might lure him out. “You’re not upset with me?
Eve?” Eve put her head against the door as that strange whisper
kept calling his name. She had to see him and she knew what to do.
Without replying to his question she picked up her skirts and ran
back the way she came to fetch her cloak. She heard a key faintly
clank in the lock and that sensation of being watched, but she
didn’t look back. He’d know her feelings soon enough.

    After tying on
a brown bonnet lined in pink velvet, she threw on a thick brown
wool cloak and carefully pinned her morning treasure over her left
breast. Her demon-Lord was going to get more than a glimpse of her
if he forgot to lock the glass door in the floor to ceiling window
at one end of his study. Laughing with glee, she grabbed of leather
gloves and hurried down stairs and out into the gardens. She looked
around with furtive glances half in fear one of the servants
working outside would drag her back into the house. Eve sighed with
relief when they merely lifted their caps. She returned their
cordiality with a cheerful ‘good morning’ and passed them without
stopping. She had to get to the window before he had time to
concoct some sort of curtain. The demon might order the

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