The Inheritance

Read Online The Inheritance by Elaine Jeremiah - Free Book Online

Book: The Inheritance by Elaine Jeremiah Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elaine Jeremiah
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moralising and telling her that
she should be making something of herself.  It was time for her to break free
from her past and this lunch date with Rebecca was a good way to start, which
was why she was looking forward to it so much.
    ‘Are you ready yet, Em?’ Natalie
yelled up the stairs.  ‘We’ve got to be there at half past one.’
    Emma glanced at the shell-shaped clock
on her wall.  It was five to one.  She had got up late yet again and decided to
skip brunch, even though her stomach was rumbling.  It would take too long.  By
now she was dressed and almost ready.  All that was left to do was to finish
off her makeup which would take two seconds.  She quickly gave her eyelashes
another coat of jet-black mascara, grabbed her bag and dashed down the stairs. 
Natalie was waiting for her almost hopping from foot to foot with impatience.
    ‘What’s the matter, Nat?’ she
asked.  ‘It won’t take long to get there on the Tube.’
    ‘We’re not going on the Tube,
Emma,’ Natalie replied.  She only called her Emma when she was annoyed.
    ‘Why not?’
    ‘Rebecca has provided us with her
driver and car.  And you know what the traffic in London can be like.  So we’ve
got to go pronto.’
    She steered Emma out of the front
door, slamming it shut behind her.  There was a gleaming black Mercedes on the
road outside their house, with a man in a very smart suit wearing dark glasses
and standing nonchalantly beside it looking at his watch.
    ‘Miss Campbell and Miss Hamilton?’
he asked formally.
    ‘Yes.’ Natalie replied.  Emma
nodded too, dumbstruck.  She couldn’t quite believe this was happening.  She’d
never been chauffeur-driven anywhere before.  The chauffeur said nothing more
but opened each of the rear doors for them to get in.  They headed off.  Emma
sighed as she relaxed back onto the leather seat.   
    ‘So what’s Rebecca’s house like?’ she
asked in a low voice.
    ‘It’s all right, Em, the driver
can’t hear us.’ Natalie laughed.  ‘See the screen?’
    ‘Oh.  Of course.’
    ‘I haven’t actually been to Rebecca’s
before.  But judging by her amazing clothes, the places we’ve met at and this
car I’d say her house must be stunning.  Oh, and it’s in Kensington.  Did I
mention that?’
    ‘No.’ Emma looked down at the silk summer
dress she was wearing.  This August had been hot and it was so cool and soft on
her skin.  She’d bought it the other day on one of her shopping trips in Oxford
Street.  It was love at first sight and she’d snapped it up immediately.  It
had felt great on her when she’d put it on barely an hour ago.  Now somehow it
felt cheap, even though she’d paid a hefty price for it.
    As if reading her mind, Natalie
said, ‘Oh come on, Em, don’t worry.  You haven’t got the millions that Rebecca has. 
You look great.  Those colours really suit you.’
    ‘Thanks, Nat.’ Emma looked out of
the window at the passing scenery.  The buildings were getting smarter with
each street they passed through.  The London traffic was always heavy so when
the car rolled to a halt and she looked at her watch, she was amazed to see
that it was half past one on the dot.  The chauffeur got out and opened the
doors for them.
    Emma saw that they were outside a large
end-of-terrace house, but not the sort of terraced house she was used to.  No,
this house was spectacular.  It was gleaming white and tall with large windows
on many levels and in the strong sunlight it almost shone.  The entrance had a
magnificent porch; although you could barely call it a porch it was so huge. 
It had two white pillars supporting it at the front, making it look like a
miniature Greek temple.  Above it was an impressive-looking balcony.
    ‘Come on, Em.’ Natalie’s voice
broke her out of her reverie.  ‘Rebecca’s waiting.’
    Emma followed her friend up the
steps to the grand front door.  Natalie rang the large doorbell.  Everything
seemed oversized

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