The Impossible Takes Longer

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Book: The Impossible Takes Longer by David Pratt Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Pratt
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390. The American girl makes a servant of her husband and then finds him contemptible for being a servant.
    John Steinbeck LITERATURE, 1962
391. An unhappy marriage! No ill treatment—only that indefinable malaise, that terrible blight which killed all sweetness under Heaven; and so from day to day, from night to night, from week to week, from year to year, till death should end it!
    John Galsworthy LITERATURE, 1932
392. Had she taken a bullfighter I would have understood, but an ordinary chemist!
    Wolfgang Pauli PHYSICS, 1945
    On his ex-wife's remarriage
393. Nobody will ever win the Battle of the Sexes. There's just too much fraternizing with the enemy.
    Henry Kissinger PEACE, 1973
394. Why two sexes rather than three? What a source of new plots three sexes would provide for novelists, of new variations for psychologists, of new complications for lawyers.
    François Jacob MEDICINE, 1965
395. How is it that, in the human body, reproduction is the only function to be performed by an organ of which an individual carries only one half so that he has to spend an enormous amount of time and energy to find another half?
    François Jacob MEDICINE, 1965
396. I've never turned over a fig leaf yet that didn't have a price tag on the other side.
    Saul Bellow LITERATURE, 1976
397. I learned that the sexual revolution is a very bloody affair, like most revolutions.
    Saul Bellow LITERATURE, 1976
    When asked his views on marriage in 1997
398. To fully experience the joys of adultery, one must be a person of piety.
    Anatole France LITERATURE, 1921
399. Of all the sexual aberrations, chastity is the strangest.
    Anatole France LITERATURE, 1921
400. In societies where men are truly confident of their own worth, women are not merely tolerated but valued.
    Aung San Suu Kyi PEACE, 1991
401. The basic discovery about any people is the discovery of the relationship between its men and its women.
    Pearl S. Buck LITERATURE, 1938
402. Men and women can face anything, can endure anything, if they are sure of each other's loyalty and liking. They can endure nothing if they are not sure of each other.
    Pearl S. Buck LITERATURE, 1938
403. I have never seen in any country—and I have seen most of the countries of the world—such an unsatisfactory relationship between men and women as there is in America.
    Pearl S. Buck LITERATURE, 1938
404. Of privileges women have had plenty, and yet most of them have been denied the one great blessing of man's life—the necessity to go out in the world and earn their bread directly.
    Pearl S. Buck LITERATURE, 1938
405. You can have it all!
    Rosalyn Yalow MEDICINE, 1977
406. The humiliation inflicted on women is the result of a diseased gene that is passed to every generation of men, not only by society as a whole but also by their mothers. It is mothers who raise boys who become men. It is up to mothers not to pass on that diseased cultural gene.
    Shirin Ebadi PEACE, 2003
407. Instead of telling girls to cover their hair, we should teach them to use their heads.
    Shirin Ebadi PEACE, 2003
408. What begins as the neglect of the interests of women ends in causing adversity for the health and survival of all.
    Amartya Sen ECONOMICS, 1998
409. Women are ultimately the key to development, they are the key to eradication of poverty. Once you empower them, you empower a nation.
    Desmond Tutu PEACE, 1984
410. Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man.
    Rabindranath Tagore LITERATURE, 1913
411. To be childlike is one of the most important, indispensable, and, in the best sense, human characteristics of man.
    Konrad Lorenz MEDICINE, 1973
412. To have the heart of a child is not a disgrace. It is an honor.
    Ernest Hemingway LITERATURE, 1954
413. People, especially young people, need compliments and admiration. We must give them a sense of their importance and dignity, and we must encourage them to use and develop all their talents. If ever

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