The Ice Warriors

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Book: The Ice Warriors by Brian Hayles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brian Hayles
Tags: Science-Fiction
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help?’ questioned Victoria, surprised. ‘How?’
    ‘Tell me… how I was brought to life? What is the process? What did these Earthling scientists do?’
    ‘How do I know?’ said Victoria in exasperation. ‘I’m not one of them.’
    ‘You saw, you were with them. Tell me!’
    ‘Why ask me? Why not let me take you to the scientists – to the Doctor? They’ll help you!’
    ‘I am a stranger – an alien. Why should they help me? They would take me prisoner – keep me as a scientific curiosity – and leave my men for dead in the ice.’
    ‘They wouldn’t!’ exclaimed Victoria. But this was no human castaway she was speaking to – this was a Martian warlord.
    ‘With my men, I can talk from strength – not beg.’ He coughed abruptly – a sharp, sneering rasp – and Victoria shivered at the menace in the sound, as he continued. ‘Then we shall decide!’
    ‘Decide…?’ Victoria’s alarm was gradually changing to panic. ‘Decide what?’
    There was no mistaking the grim confidence in Varga’s voice. ‘Whether to return to our own planet,’ he replied sternly, ‘or conquer yours!’
    In the great hall, Clent had finished putting the situation to ECCO . The others were gathered about him, tensely waiting for its judgement.
    ‘Those are the relevant factors,’ finished Clent. ‘How should we proceed?’
    Jamie could keep quiet no longer, and blurted out in anger, ‘How’s a machine to know?’
    ‘Be quiet, Jamie,’ admonished the Doctor, as the crisp voice of the computer began to discharge its answer.
The ionisation programme should continue as instructed

but the presence of an alien spacecraft must be investigated
    The computer paused fractionally. Clent’s look of bland superiority changed to a frown.
    ‘But how can we?’ he asked the computer. ‘Our reduced manpower—’
    The computer chose to ignore Clent, and continued coldly. ‘
Suspected fissionable material must take priority
,’ it clipped out. ‘
Glacial status can be held for limited period
    ‘But what about Victoria?’ interrupted Jamie.
The emergency operating schedule has been rearranged to free one scientist for the investigation
,’ continued the machine calmly. ‘
In the present circumstances, the nominated member should be scientist Arden. Effect these instructions immediately
    The computer fell silent. Clent turned to Arden, who could barely hide his excitement.
    ‘You heard what’s to be done, Arden. Do you think you can handle it?’
    ‘He’ll never cope with that Ice Warrior by himself!’ insisted Jamie.
    ‘I could do with a security guard,’ agreed Arden nervously.
    ‘The computer has nominated one man only,’ snapped Clent irritably. ‘It will have to be enough!’
    ‘What about me?’ asked Jamie eagerly. ‘Let me go with him!’
    Clent frowned, about to give a sharp retort, but the Doctor cut in quickly. ‘He’s a capable lad – and he’s not on your staff. He’s extra.’
    Clent studied the Doctor thoughtfully, then shrugged. It was true: this boy was surplus, and as such, not Clent’s responsibility. He was also something of a troublemaker – better out of the way.
    ‘Very well. As the Doctor is going to help us with the Ioniser, the boy can go.’ As Jamie glanced triumphantly at the Doctor, Clent scowled. ‘But there must be no delay!’ he insisted harshly. ‘Go – now!’
    Jan Garrett smoothly explained Clent’s apprehension. ‘The sooner we know whether there
a nuclear reactor buried inside the glacier, the better.’
    ‘Aye, mebbe,’ replied Jamie curtly. ‘But our Victoria’s important too, ye know.’
    Clent turned on him savagely.
    ‘Don’t you realise, boy? The fate of the whole of Europe could be at stake! That’s what’s important – not this prehistoric freak of Arden’s, nor the girl! She’ll just have to take her chance!’

    Back from the Dead
    STORR GRITTED HIS teeth against the pain. Penley threw a

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