The Hormone Reset Diet

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Book: The Hormone Reset Diet by Sara Gottfried Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Gottfried
how little you exercise, you have an advantagein the quest for a healthy body weight and lean body mass. That’s because you’ve learned how to work with the innate intelligence of your body instead of against it. I’ve found that when estrogen dominance is the primary reason for weight gain and weight retention, most of those women eat large amounts of conventional red meat and cheese, crave refined carbohydrates such as french fries (and don’t get the fiber they need to guide estrogen expertly through the body), juggle tons of stress, and drink too much alcohol. The result is that estrogen dominance blocks their metabolism—the speed with which they burn calories—in several ways.
    First, their microbiome has too many fat bugs (bacteria that hang onto fat) and not enough skinny bugs (bacteria that promote the burning of fat). Second, omnivorous women with estrogen excess don’t remove that excess in their bowel movements like women who eat a more plant-based diet—which contains more fiber and stimulates removal of excess estrogen. Third, estrogen dominance makes a woman more likely to have bloating and constipation. Finally, women who eat red meat have higher rates of blood sugar problems, as indicated in a recent large-scale study of red meat consumption, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome in nearly a hundred and fifty thousand people, published in the prestigious
Journal of the American Medical Association.
9 However, this study was observational and didn’t prove that red meat is the cause of blood sugar problems.
    Other studies suggest that processed meat may be the greater evil. 10 Research shows that processed meats (meats that have gone through a chemical process to extend shelf life, including ham, hot dogs, lunch meats, sausage, and ham hocks) are full of nitrates and nitrites, and are associated with diabetes, accelerated cellular aging, and cancer. 11 Indeed, one study showed that ham worsens blood sugar far more than eggs. 12
    If you wonder why it’s so hard for you to lose weight when a friend or spouse sees pounds melt away on the exact same eating plan,it’s likely you have different root causes of fatness. Over the next seventy-two hours, as you start the Meatless reset, observe closely how much weight you lose. If you drop a significant amount—in the range of 3 to 5 pounds over three days of the first reset—bingo! You’ve found your first answer: your estrogen imbalance, caused by meat and alcohol, is keeping you fat.
    If you are a woman with estrogen dominance, resetting your estrogen is a crucial piece of the puzzle. Fortunately, you hold the keys to the kingdom and can impact your estrogen ratio at any age. When you balance your estrogen and reset your ratio, you’ll find a whole new relationship to food, weight, and your body.
Paleo for Women Is Different than Paleo for Men
    The Paleo diet has become very popular and emphasizes the consumption of vegetables, seeds, nuts, fruits, and meat like our Paleolithic ancestors ate. It also advocates avoiding the foods that came into our food chain later, such as grains, dairy, and legumes. It’s true that our Paleolithic ancestors ate wild meat when they could find and catch it, and that it was anti-inflammatory. As discussed previously, today’s meat offered at most grocery stores and restaurants is nothing like the wild game our ancestors ate—it
promotes inflammation
and makes us hoard fat. Because we women are so efficient at fat storage, I believe that’s a common reason why Paleo doesn’t give women the results that men enjoy when it comes to losing weight, getting lean, and reducing inflammation.
    In short, conventional meat isn’t a woman’s best choice. To find out if meat is making you fat, give it up for three days and let your body (and the bathroom scale) inform your relationship to meat.
    On the other hand, I don’t believe that a one-size-fits-all is the right approach for women to get lean. As you perform the Meatless

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