The History of White People

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Book: The History of White People by Nell Irvin Painter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nell Irvin Painter
Tags: History, Sociology, Non-Fiction, Politics, bought-and-paid-for
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going into three editions in its first year and selling some 100,000 copies by the outbreak of the war. The editor of the Atlantic Monthly , Albert Schweitzer, George Bernard Shaw, and many other intellectuals lavished praise on Chamberlain’s book. Despite Chamberlain’s belief that Germanic greatness required no supposedly scientific proof, Shaw called it “a masterpiece of really scientific history.”

† The English topped Lapouge’s chart with 80 percent dolichocephalic and 25 percent pure Homo Europæus . Lapouge considered France “denordicized” after the French Revolution’s uprising of the servile, brachycephalic, Alpine masses. According to this theory, the revolution killed off the aristocracy, members of the Nordic race, and doomed France to mediocrity.

* French anthropologists like Jean-Louis-Armand de Quatrefages and like-minded Americans envisioned fundamental changes in the population of Germany since the Middle Ages. W. S. Sadler—a health advocate, Seventh-Day Adventist, and cranky Chicago psychiatrist who had studied in Vienna with Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler—adopted this view in Long Heads and Round Heads, or What’s the Matter with Germany (1918). The infusion of round-headed Alpines into Germany changed the racial balance and provides “the real explanation of the unparalleled brutality, the shocking atrocities, and otherwise inexplicably barbarous behavior of the German armies in the present European conflict.”

* The Turner Diaries (1978), the wildly popular, dystopian, white nationalist novel by William Luther Pierce, leader of the National Alliance, is set in a ruined world in which Jews have incited blacks into fiery rebellion.

* The defeated anti-Klan plank read,
We condemn, as opposed to the genesis of free government, secret political societies of any kind whatsoever, wherever any such society undertakes to destroy free political action and fosters racial and religious hatreds.
We denounce its activities as contravening the spirit, if not the letter of the Constitution, and as a pregnant menace to the perpetuity of American institutions.
We declare that no member of such a society can justly claim to be a disciple of Thomas Jefferson.
We pledge the Democratic Party to oppose the activities of the Ku Klux Klan, or any similar organization which undertakes to control or interfere with free political action or due process of law.

* The National Urban League had been founded by an interracial group of social workers and philanthropists in 1911 to find jobs and housing for black southerners migrating to the North.

* One of Brigham’s most trenchant academic critics was Truman Lee Kelley, a professor of statistics and education at Stanford, where he was a colleague of Louis Terman, one of the more enthusiastic testers of the era. Kelley’s Interpretation of Educational Measurement (1927) criticized the technique of comparing tests administered to a large population of whites lacking “racial homogeneity” and then lumping the results of several different tests together to produce a single set of grades. Kelley also questioned the prevalence of scores of zero or 100.

† Race theorists also adopted the European anthroposociologists’ theory that “selective” migration explained differences between head shapes in the country and those in the city—that superior, long-headed Europeans chose to migrate out of the country, leaving broad-headed laggards. Although Boas had demonstrated the malleability of head shape, the idea of selective migration held on into the 1920s. When the Army IQ tests showed that African Americans in cities and in the North scored higher than African Americans in the country and in the South, race theorists explained that the smarter ones—or those with more “white blood”—migrated out of the South and out of the countryside. Klineberg’s results in his Negro Intelligence and

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