The Highly Selective Dictionary for the Extraordinarily Literate

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Book: The Highly Selective Dictionary for the Extraordinarily Literate by Eugene Ehrlich Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eugene Ehrlich
Tags: General, Reference, Dictionaries, Language Arts & Disciplines
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disparateness noun .
    dispassionate (dis-PASH- e -nit) adjective
    calm, impartial; free from emotion.
    Related words: dispassion and dispassionateness both nouns , dispassionately adverb .
    disquisition ( DIS -kw e -ZISH- e n) noun
    a long elaborate spoken or written account of something.
    Related word: disquisitional adjective .
    dissemble (di-SEM-b e l) verb
    conceal (one's true motives or feelings); pretend.
    Related words: dissembler noun , dissemblingly adverb .
    dissentient (di-SEN-sh e nt) adjective .
    1. dissenting, especially from the views of the majority.
    2. ( noun ) a person who dissents, especially from the views of the majority.
    Related words: dissentience and dissentiency both nouns , dissentiently adverb .
    dissentious (di-SEN-sh e s) adjective
    quarrelsome; contentious.
    dither (DI TH - e r) verb
    1. tremble or quiver.
    2. hesitate indecisively.
    Related words: ditherer noun , dithery adjective .
    divagate (D I -v e - GAYT ) verb
    1. stray, wander.
    2. digress.
    Related word: divagation ( D I -v e -GAY-sh e n) noun .
    doctrinaire ( DOK -tr e -NAIR) adjective
    1. applying theories or principles without regard for practical considerations.
    2. ( noun ) a pedantic theorist.
    Related word: doctrinairism ( DOK -tr e -NAIR-iz- e m) noun .
    dolmen (DOHL-m e n) noun
    a prehistoric structure, considered to be a tomb, with a large, relatively flat stone laid atop large upright stones.
    Related word: dolmenic (dohl-MEN-ik) adjective .
    dottle (DOT- e l) noun , also given as dottel
    the plug of unburned tobacco left in a pipe after smoking.
    dour (duur) adjective
    gloomy; stern; obstinate.
    Related words: dourly adverb , dourness noun .
    doyen (dwah-YA N ), doyenne (dwah-YEN), both nouns, plurals doyens and doyennes
    the senior member (male doyen , female doyenne ) of a body of colleagues.
    dross (draws) noun
    1. impurities; rubbish.
    2. scum on molten metal.
    Related words: drossy adjective , drossiness noun .
    dubiety (doo-B I -i-tee) noun, plural dubieties ; also given as dubiosity ( DOO -bee-OS-i-tee), plural dubiosities
    a feeling of doubt; a doubtful matter.
    Related words: dubious (DOO-bee- e s) adjective , dubiously adverb , dubiousness noun .
    dudgeon (DUJ- e n) noun
    resentment, indignation.
    dutiful (DOO-t e -f e l) adjective
    1. showing due obedience.
    2. expressive of a sense of duty.
    Related words: dutifully adverb , dutifulness noun .
    dysphemism (DIS-f e - MIZ - e m) noun
    an unpleasant or derogatory word or phrase substituted for a more pleasant or less offensive one; such a substitution.
    See euphemism .
    Related word: dysphemistic ( DIS -f e -MIS-tik) adjective .
    dysphoria (dis-FOR-ee- e ) noun
    a state of anxiety, unease, or mental discomfort.
    Related word: dysphoric adjective .
    dystopia (dis-TOH-pee- e ) noun
    a place real or imaginary where living conditions are considered to be as bad as possible.
    Related words: dystopian adjective , dystopianism noun .


    eager (EE-g e r) adjective
    See anxious .
    ebullient (i-BUUL-y e nt) adjective
    bubbling over with excitement or high spirits; exuberant.
    Related words: ebullience and ebulliency both nouns , ebulliently adverb .
    éclat (ay-KLAH) noun
    brilliant success, general applause; elaborate display.
    eclectic (i-KLEK-tik) adjective
    choosing or accepting from various sources.
    Related words: eclectically adverb , eclecticism (i-KLEK-t e - SIZ - e m) and eclecticist (i-KLEK-t e -sist) both nouns .

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