The Haunted Air

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Book: The Haunted Air by F. Paul Wilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: F. Paul Wilson
yet that she was bad for me. Hell, if she knew how to make bombs, she’d probably’ve wanted me to plant them, or wire ignitions to blow the competition away.” He shook his head. “What a nutcase.”
    â€œCould she be the one Ifasen’s afraid of?”
    â€œNah. Couple of years ago I heard that she’d, as they say in the trade, migrated to the Other Side.” A quick glance Gia’s way, embarrassment in his eyes. “Let’s not talk about her, okay? Makes my teeth hurt just to think about her.”
    Gia knew getting off the topic of this Madame Ouskaya would probably turn the conversation to her question to Ifasen. She cast about for a diversion and spotted the pamphlet Jack had brought from the psychic’s house. She snatched it up.
    â€œâ€˜The Menelaus Manor Restoration Foundation.’ What’s this?”
    â€œSounds like a scam. Take donations to renovate the
house you’re living and working in. A win-win proposition for Ifasen if I ever heard one.”
    â€œIs all this true?” Gia said, gathering flashes of the house’s history of mayhem by the light of street lamps they passed.
    â€œI never got a chance to get into it. What’s it say?”
    She turned on the console lamp and held the brochure under the glow. “It says the place was built in 1952 by Kastor Menelaus. He died of cancer, and was the last owner to ‘pass on to the Other Side’ due to natural causes.”
    Jack grinned. “This sounds like it’s gonna be good! ”
    â€œHis son Dmitri, who inherited the house, committed suicide in the early nineties. The next owners, a Doctor Singh and his wife, had the place for a few years, did some renovations, and then someone cut their throats while they were sleeping.” She looked up at Jack. “This is awful! I hope it’s fiction.”
    â€œRead on.”
    Gia was liking this less and less. “The previous owners, the ones before Ifasen, were Herbert Lom and his wife—”
    â€œNot the actor—the guy who played in the Hammer Phantom of the Opera ?”
    â€œIt doesn’t say. He and his wife Sara disappeared after—oh, God.” Something about a mutilated child. Her stomach turned and she closed the brochure.
    â€œAfter what?”
    â€œNever mind. Jack, this is sick! It’s like the place is cursed. He has to be making this stuff up.”
    Jack was shaking his head. “Doubt it. Too easy to get caught. My guess is he’s taken a few facts and embellished them to within an inch of their collective lives. Read on.”
    â€œI’d rather not.”
    â€œJust skip to some part that’s not gory.”
    Reluctantly she reopened the brochure and skipped down a paragraph from where she’d left off. “Ifasen quotes himself here: ‘I chose Menelaus Manor because the violent deaths have left behind strong psychic vibrations. The souls of those who died here do not rest easy, and their ongoing
presence weakens the divide between our world and the Other Side, making Menelaus Manor the perfect site for the church I will establish. here.’” Gia looked at Jack. “Church?”
    Jack smiled. “The ultimate scam. Tax-free heaven, and completely legal. Like minting money. How do you think the Scientologists can afford to sue anyone who says a discouraging word about their racket?”
    â€œHe says here donations will go toward ‘putting the Manor at peace with this world and in harmony with the next.’ What does that mean?”
    â€œIt means renovations will probably go on forever. Or at least until Ifasen crosses over to the Other Side himself.”
    â€œCareful, Jack,” she told him. “Keep talking like that and I’ll start suspecting you’re a cynic.”
    Jack pulled into Sutton Square and stopped before Gia’s door. He pulled her close and kissed her.
    â€œThanks for dragging me

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