The Harbinger (A Fight for Light Novel Book 2)

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Book: The Harbinger (A Fight for Light Novel Book 2) by Nikki Landis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Landis
We will be locking and heavily guarding the perimeter of the wall, especially during the night hours from dusk until dawn. Any who would like are welcome to come within the safety of our walls, especially here in Karmelo, Alexandria, and Cornell. We must look to the outlying cities of Tarin, Hayden, and Lysis. They are heavily populated.”
    They continued to discuss their plan and I looked around me, taking in the atmosphere. I hadn’t noticed the uniqueness of the table they sat at. It was made of stone. Long and rectangular, it stretched a great distance across the grassy plain. Etched into the stone in intricate patterns all around the perimeter was the same ivy and leaf design that was inlaid on Kellen’s armor. Engraved fleur de Lis also were etched into the table, adding a noble element to the design.
    The top of the table had long grooves cut into it, marking the seat for each representative species, race, and ethnic group. At each seat there was more intricate carving. I realized it was writing. It must have been the specific language for each one here. Some were glyphs while others were pictographs. I was fascinated by the distinctive look of each alphabet. The same message was at every seat: We Gather as Equals and as Brothers We Unite .
    Torches were being lit around the table as twilight descended upon the forest glen. There was a long table laden down with refreshments that included a roasted boar, venison, and other meats, fruits and vegetables, and many varieties of breads and pastries. In addition, there were casks of ale and other beverages to satisfy any thirst. Many ventured from the table and back again, enjoying the libations and provisions.
    I continued my observation and noticed the sky. It was getting dark. The light faded from blue to navy to black and still the gathering continued in front of me. I noticed the first bright, twinkling stars appear in the sky, one by one until they seemed to fill it entirely. Each individual star seemed so close, like you could reach out and touch one and pull it right into your lap.
    The moon was magnificent. It made its appearance suddenly bursting through a wisp of cloud and climbing high into the newly darkened sky. It was very bright and cast an unearthly glow upon the table and its occupants. It reminded me of fire and ice, the warm and vibrant flames of the torches in red and orange mixing with the cool white and violet blue iridescent light of the moon.
    “Kellen?” I whispered.
    “What do the people here think of the enemy? Are they scared? Do you think they will fight if needed?”
    “Yes, remember when I told you about the generals? Our people have been dealing with the enemy for many years. They have lost fathers, sons, and brothers to war and torture. Our women have been raped and murdered. Children have been left without parents to raise them. Our people are heavily invested, seeking to end this tyrannical reign of terror that brings death and destruction to our land. They will fight, to the death if necessary, to rid the world of the enemy forever,” he explained, his voice thick with emotion.
    “I understand. I feel badly for them. I hope war doesn’t come. It would mean more bloodshed.”
    “Yes, it would, but I feel it may be inevitable. My father will know what to do when the time comes Rhiannon. Here, listen to the centaurs. They are great warriors.”
    “Kellen?” I asked again.
    He raised an eyebrow at me. “Hmmm?”
    “What if the enemy isn’t planning to give up? What if their true intention is annihilation?”
    Kellen looked surprised for a moment. “What have you seen Rhiannon? What makes you think that is their intention?”
    “I don’t know. It’s just a feeling. Peculiar. I can’t place it. Something is not right. This goes deeper than it appears.”
    “I’m going to mention it to my father. I don’t think this is the right place or moment, at least not until we have evidence. I don’t want anyone to

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