The Grind Don't Stop

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Book: The Grind Don't Stop by L. E. Newell Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. E. Newell
door. “Come and get it, y’all.” His mind was far away. He couldn’t shake the feeling his aunt wasn’t telling him everything. He started to scoop a little faster.
    Al couldn’t help wondering what was really bugging dude. Every since he had talked to him earlier, he felt that something wasn’t right. Was it the pressure of the deadline for providing that furniture or was it something else that he couldn’t put his finger on? “Be there in a minute, baby,” he shouted loud enough for her to hear. He counted out the rest of Don’s share of the coke and put it in one of the suitcases. He slid it across the table. “Here, man, this is the rest of your share. I’ll finish wrapping up the rest of mine later. I can see that you are anxious to split.”
    Don nodded as he counted the bags Al was putting in the suitcase. Despite that they’d been dealing with each for a while now, he still didn’t fully trust him.
    Al spread his arms and gave him a questioning stare. Was he satisfied with the spilt or not? A quick nod from Don indicated that he was. Don picked it up and walked out of the door.
    As he was closing the door, Al imagined bullets exploding inside his head. He blinked and tried to shake the thoughts. Man, what is happening to me? All these murderous ideals running through my mind. Was he enjoying this killing stuff too much or what?
    The sound of Mona calling him again snapped him out of it. Moments later she opened the door frowning with her hands planted sternly on her hips. It was hard to keep from smiling asshe stood there in a flowery print apron wrapped around her gorgeous figure. Damn, maybe I can make a lady out of a whore after all, he thought as he rose from the table and walked toward her.
    â€œPut that stuff up for me,” he grumbled and slapped her ass as he passed through the door.
    â€œYou can help me finish bagging it up after we crunch some of this grub. Oh yeah, and don’t let me forget to call Cede, aight.”
    She rolled her eyes at his departing back, harrumphed and walked over to the table to handle the coke. As she was gathering everything, her eyes sparkled at all the money the coke represented. Her mind sparkled as well, on the thought of spreading her wet pussy and cumming all over Don’s monster dick again. After handling the dope she joined him in the kitchen.
    Al was in a sleepy haze after a night of passionate lovemaking when the phone started ringing. He covered his eyes from the morning dawn sipping through the curtains and picked it up to stop the irritating noise. He gritted at the sleeping Mona, who hadn’t so much as fidget. He yawned and grumbled into the receiver. “Yeah, who this be? Damn, man, don’tcha think it’s kinda early for this shit here? Okay, okay, godayum, how long will it take you to get over here? Shiiit, that’s too soon, my nigga; make it an hour. Yeah, okay, see you then.”
    He tossed the cover over Mona’s inert figure and got up to go to the bathroom. After taking care of his morning hygiene ritual, he came out wrapped in his robe and threw a towel on Mona’s head. She moaned, cracked her eyes a bit and rolled her back to him.
    â€œGirl, get your ass up and go make us some groceries,” he growled as he pulled the cover from her head and tossed a wad of bills onto her face. She blinked a couple of times, forcing away the sleepy haze, gritted at his departing back and then at the money he had left all over her face and chest. Reluctantly, she sat up and stretched her arms yawning.
    He got to the door and turned around and caught sight of her heaving breasts and the blanket sliding down one of her creamy thighs. He started rubbing his dick without even realizing he was doing it. But now wasn’t the time to get up in that ass so he shook the sexy image from his mind and continued toward the kitchen to brew himself up a strong pot of coffee.
    He was

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