The Green Remains

Read Online The Green Remains by Marni Graff - Free Book Online

Book: The Green Remains by Marni Graff Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marni Graff
for her mood, and kicked off her shoes before stretching out on her bed. She drew the duvet from the foot of the bed over her and reached for her name book. Pregnancy tired her, but this was different. She wanted to run backward in time to a place where everything felt safe, and there were few surprises and even less choices to have to make. Who would understand how drained she felt?
      Perhaps only someone who lived with murder as a frequent companion, someone like Declan Barnes.

Chapter Twelve

    “I had the story, bit by bit, from various people, and, as generally happens in such cases, each time it was a different story.”
    — Edith Wharton, Ethan Frome

    8 PM

    Friday evenings were a popular night at the lodge, and the dining room was full. Nora was grateful their table stood in one corner, where she could watch people coming and going. She hoped Maeve was wrong, that people were not talking about her. It was an odd and uncomfortable feeling, and she wondered if Maeve had been telling the truth or just trying to wind her up, as Val would say.
      She watched Maeve move about the room, seating a few diners. Was that a smirk of derision on the woman’s face when she caught Nora observing her? Nora speculated about Simon’s awareness of Maeve’s interest and wondered if he ever encouraged it. He’d been called over to a table to offer a wine recommendation, and as he stood talking to the guests, she saw Maeve undress him with her eyes. Bloody hell—she wished for a better mood.
      When Simon returned, Kate took her seat, and the three of them lingered over dinner, a delectable prime rib of beef with Yorkshire pudding. Nora’s stomach seemed finally to be relaxing, and she ate more than she’d anticipated. If only she could indulge in a glass of wine.
      From time to time, Kate jumped up to greet a patron. Nora had seen how Simon and his sister were the heart of Ramsey Lodge, gracious to the people they knew, welcoming to those passing through or staying the night. The fireplace glowed in the elegant room, reflecting off the polished wide-plank floors. White table linens were a crisp oasis; the clink of glass and china against silver provided backdrop noise, accompanied by soft, piped-in classical music.
      “All done?” Simon asked, his smile lighting up his face.
      In this light, his eyes were a clear blue, and Nora felt a surge of attraction to him immediately followed by a rush of annoyance for his ability to confuse her. Sod off, Mr. Perfect. She quickly chastised herself. Totally wrong, Nora. It’s not his fault you’re heavily pregnant, have roiling hormones and found a dead body this morning. “Stuffed,” she answered.
      “It’s Kate’s turn to close down,” he said. “Let’s sit and talk.”
      She followed him to his rooms, accompanied by Darby, the little dog trotting beside her. Simon shut the door to his studio and locked his kitchen door. He set about competently lighting a fire. Nora sank into one of the overstuffed swivel chairs in Simon’s sitting area and snuggled into the down cushion. She rotated the chair to watch as Simon rolled up his shirtsleeves. The blonde hair covering his forearms became visible in the light from the flames, and their lean muscles and tendons stood out. Nora’s annoyance with Simon faded as the wood caught and filled the room with its comforting scent.
      Without asking, Simon put on a kettle and bustled about his kitchen making proper tea. Nora swiveled again to watch him pour a healthy shot of brandy into his mug. He brought both mugs over and set them to cool on the glass-topped trunk that doubled as a coffee table.
      Leaning over her, he lightly rubbed his hand over her belly and gave her a smile. “All right in there after today?”
      “I think so. He was very active this afternoon.” They sat together quietly as the flames grew, the colors deepening as yellow and orange gave way to streaks of blue.
      “What were you working on today

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