The Great Airport Mystery

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Book: The Great Airport Mystery by Franklin W. Dixon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Franklin W. Dixon
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through his hair.
    â€œWho stole our camera and films?” Frank demanded, glaring at their captive.
    â€œI don’t know about anything being stolen!” Williams insisted.
    â€œOkay! Have it your way!” Frank declared. “Maybe you’d rather talk to the police!” The young sleuth walked to the telephone and began dialing a number.
    Williams turned pale. “No! Wait!” he pleaded. “I’ll tell you all I know! Honest I will. Don’t call them!”
    Frank put down the phone. “Go ahead!” he ordered.
    â€œMy name isn’t Williams. It’s Richard Tyson,” the man said, taking out his wallet. He displayed his driver’s license and a few credit cards.
    The boys examined the cards and found the man’s address was the same as that of the apartment house in which Lieber lived.
    â€œThen who is Williams?” Frank asked.
    â€œWilliams rents a room across the hall from my apartment,” Tyson answered. “Early this morning he asked me if I would pick up his pictures when they were ready. He told me to use his name.
    â€œHe explained that the pictures were confidential and not to let anyone see them. I’m sorry now I ever agreed to do it. I should have suspected something phony.” He got to his feet, brushed himself off, and looked at the boys nervously. “I’d like to leave,” he said, moving toward the door.
    â€œNot until you tell us everything,” said Frank. “Who stole our camera?”
    â€œI told you I don’t know.”
    â€œDoes Williams live alone?”
    â€œNo, he rents the room from Mr. and Mrs. Lieber. The Liebers seem like nice people. I think Williams is Mrs. Lieber’s brother.”
    The Hardys did not disclose that Mr. Lieber was already one of their strong suspects in the case.
    â€œWell,” Frank announced, “you can leave, but we’re going with you to your apartment. We want to check your story.”
    â€œBy all means! Come along!” Tyson urged. He seemed eager for a chance to prove his innocence.
    Frank asked Mr. Freeman to put the aerial pictures in his safe until the boys called for them. “We don’t want to risk their being stolen again.”
    The brothers took Tyson with them, explaining that they would bring him back later to pick up his own car. As they drove, Tyson volunteered the information that Lieber was an airplane mechanic and stand-by copilot. As a result, he was away a lot. In fact, he often slept at the airport.
    In a short time the group arrived at the apartment house. Tyson unlocked the main door with his own key. As they climbed the stairs, Frank said that he would like to find out whether Lieber was at home.
    Tyson pointed to the door of the man’s apartment and Frank knocked. The door opened, revealing a stocky, handsome woman, with a tremendous amount of blond hair.
    â€œHello, Mr. Tyson,” she said, seeing her neighbor.
    â€œIs Mr. Lieber at home?” Frank inquired.
    â€œNo,” she responded. “My husband has to fly very early tomorrow, so he decided to stay overnight at the airport.”
    â€œIs Mr. Williams at home?” Joe asked.
    â€œHe’s not here, either,” the woman said. “Is it anything important? Can I take a message?”
    â€œNo, thank you.”
    Mrs. Lieber eased the door shut. Tyson led the Hardys to his apartment across the hall. There they met Mrs. Tyson, a short, middle-aged woman. She invited them to come in.
    Frank casually conversed with her, selecting his words in such a way that the woman was not aware that he was probing for information. She told the young sleuth that Mrs. Lieber was a very secretive person who seemed extremely frightened of her husband.
    â€œShe tries to forget her worries,” Mrs. Tyson said confidingly, “by always going to the movies and to parties. Poor thing. The Liebers never have any company.”
    Momentarily satisfied with

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