The Great Airport Mystery

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Book: The Great Airport Mystery by Franklin W. Dixon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Franklin W. Dixon
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    â€œThat isn’t Zimm!” observed Joe. “Maybe he really does have a friend named Williams and he was delivering the rolls of film for him.”
    â€œPossibly,” Frank agreed. “Then again, it might all be part of a clever plan to throw us off the track.”
    The boys decided to demand a chance to inspect the films. As they entered the shop, Mr. Freeman turned to them with an air of relief.
    â€œThis is Mr. R. C. Williams,” he said, indicating his customer. Then he turned back to the man. “These boys believe that at least some of these pictures belong to them.”
    â€œWhat!” shouted Williams. “That’s crazy!”
    â€œThen you won’t mind if we have a look at the prints,” Frank said politely.
    â€œTouch my pictures,” Williams bellowed, “and I’ll sue every one of you!”
    Mr. Freeman looked hesitant. He was thinking that perhaps the Hardys were being a bit hasty. At the thought of being involved in a lawsuit, he began to hedge.
    â€œMaybe we have no right to ask Mr. Williams to—” he began.
    â€œWe’ll take the entire responsibility,” Frank interrupted. “Mr. Williams can show us the pictures himself. We won’t touch them.”
    Williams protested strongly. But seeing that the boys were determined not to let him out of the shop without seeing the pictures, he ripped open the big envelope, peered in, selected a few prints, and scattered them on the counter. None of the pictures belonged to the Hardys, they admitted.
    â€œThere!” Williams sneered. “You see? You guys ought to be thrown in jail!”
    He quickly gathered up the prints and stuffed them back into the envelope.
    â€œHow much do I owe you?” he snapped at Mr. Freeman.
    â€œJust a minute!” Frank said coldly. “We want to see all the pictures!”
    â€œGet out of my way!” Williams shouted.
    The shop owner, now more suspicious of Williams himself, offered to call the police. But at the word “police,” Williams paled.
    â€œYou won’t have to do that!” he blurted. Reluctantly he reached into the package and displayed several more prints.
    â€œI said we want to see all of them!” Frank demanded.
    â€œThat’s all there are,” Williams insisted.
    Joe reached out and seized the envelope. Shaking it vigorously, he spilled more prints onto the counter. The boys were elated to find that their suspicions were justified. Among the pictures were several aerial views they had taken!
    Suddenly Williams let fly with his fists. He caught Mr. Freeman under the chin, and the shop owner slumped down behind the counter. Williams then whirled around and rushed the boys with his head down and arms flailing.
    Frank and Joe, taken off guard, skidded on the highly polished floor and went down. Williams grabbed the pictures in his large fist and crammed them hastily into a pocket.
    As the boys sprang to their feet, they saw Williams fleeing toward the rear exit of the shop!

    A Questionable Friend
    FRANK and Joe darted after Williams and succeeded in intercepting him before he reached the rear exit. A wild struggle followed.
    The boys and their burly opponent crashed to the floor in a mass of entangled arms and legs. Mr. Freeman, having recovered from the blow he had received, rushed over to give his support. Williams was exceptionally strong, but three against one was too much for him.
    â€œThat’s enough!” he panted. “Don’t hit me again!” He dropped and lay on the floor like a whipped dog.
    â€œYou’d better do some explaining!” Frank said angrily as he and Joe stood up and brushed off their clothing.
    Joe grabbed the envelope and extracted several pictures. “The aerial shots!” he exclaimed, and handed them to his brother.
    â€œI’ve nothing to say.” growled Williams, trying to catch his breath. He sat up and ran a hand

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