The Grass is Greener

Read Online The Grass is Greener by Loretta Hill - Free Book Online

Book: The Grass is Greener by Loretta Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loretta Hill
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    Unsurprisingly, Bronwyn’s shock was not at the girl’s dishonesty but her age. ‘She’s only sixteen,’ she had said. ‘Who knew she could drive?’
    Claudia sighed at the memory. She really hoped Bronwyn hadn’t bitten off more than she could chew this time as well.
    â€˜Ready to go?’ her friend asked brightly when she returned, holding out her hand for the leash.
    â€˜Ready as I’ll ever be.’
    They took off down the street, Bronwyn’s arm stretched out before her as Elsa tried to increase the pace. ‘Heel, Elsa, heel,’ she chided gently.
    â€˜Okay, I’m sick of waiting. Tell me what you’ve got in your head, because imagining the worst is driving me crazy.’
    â€˜Well, it’s really quite simple.’ Bronwyn grinned. ‘We both hate our lives right now. It’s just making us both miserable. I think one of the ideas we came up with earlier would really work.’
    Claudia gasped. ‘You want to fake our own deaths?’
    â€˜No, doofus! I want to swap places. It’s the perfect solution.’
    â€˜Yeah,’ Claudia rolled her eyes. ‘Perfect if I had your DNA. Bronwyn, you’re dreaming.’
    Bronwyn ignored her friend’s response. ‘It’s not only possible, it’s actually perfect timing.’ The excitement in her voice stepped up a notch. ‘I’ve lost my job and gained a pregnant dog. I can’t live in this apartment. I need a big country house with lots of open space. You, on the other hand, need to start working in law again.’
    â€˜Are you suggesting I apply for the job you just got fired from?’
    â€˜No,’ Bronwyn shook her head immediately, ‘I’m suggesting you apply for a job at Hanks and Eddings.’
    Claudia sucked in a breath. ‘You want me to work for your family?’
    â€˜Well, Mum sent me an email today saying she’d set up an interview for me with Uncle Cyril tomorrow. So I called his secretary and notified her that you’d be attending instead.’
    Claudia gasped. ‘ You did what? ’
    â€˜Ten am. Don’t be late.’
    Claudia choked. ‘But you can’t do that. Your mum isn’t recommending me.’
    â€˜Who cares?’ Bronwyn swatted her hand. ‘Uncle Cyril’s secretary doesn’t know that. All she knows is that I’m an Eddings, so I must know what I’m talking about. I told her that I was leaving town and couldn’t make the interview so my mother was recommending you instead.’
    â€˜And your uncle will be fine with that?’
    â€˜Most likely he won’t know about the swap till tomorrow morning,’ Bronwyn assured her.
    â€˜And that’s a good thing because …?’
    â€˜Once you’re in the door, you’ll impress the hell out of him and he’ll forget who came with what recommendation.’
    â€˜I think you’re reaching a bit there, Bron.’
    Her friend only laughed. ‘I know you, Claud. You’ve got the grit that everybody wants. Just use it.’
    By this time they had reached the park and Bronwyn bent down to unclip Elsa’s leash. The second the dog was free, Elsa tore off towards the tree line.
    â€˜Bronwyn, your mum will be furious when she finds out I took the job that was meant for you.’
    â€˜Don’t worry,’ Bronwyn promised. ‘Once you’re working there, she won’t say a word. If there’s one thing my mother hates more than anything, it’s being made to look like a fool.’
    â€˜I was afraid you were going to say that,’ Claudia groaned.
    â€˜You worry too much.’
    â€˜You worry too little.’
    â€˜Isn’t that what you like about me?’ Bronwyn smiled.
    â€˜I wish I had your blind trust, Bron, but I really don’t think it’s that simple.’ Claudia shook her head. ‘Why would your mother recommend me of all

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