The Good Student

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Book: The Good Student by Stacey Espino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacey Espino
up and scanned the empty room. If anything happened between them it had to be a big secret.
    “Let’s head to my office. It’s more private.”
    With almost no sleep the night before, he came to work more zombie than man. He got home late from the pub, but couldn’t find any peace as he laid back on his king sized bed. All he thought about was Kaya. His conscience tormented him. He wanted her for himself, but knew he had to let go and have nothing to do with her. One action that seemed impossible when he couldn’t get the girl out of his head.
    He was being selfish. Hayden was forty-two, not thirty-two. But even that would have been too old for a twenty-six year old at the prime of her life. As much as he wanted her, she'd be getting the short end of the stick. It wasn't fair for her, so he'd planned to end whatever it was that had started between them.
    When he came into class and saw what Kaya wore, his resolve to say goodbye vanished. She looked so utterly tempting. He always had a thing for women with long legs in heels. Hayden was glad he chose to do a slide presentation because he really needed to hide the painful bulge in his pants. He wanted to stare at Kaya's long legs and drag his tongue up the length of one, from her ankle to her cunt.
    Hayden planned to keep his eyes to himself to avoid the temptation she offered during their lunch meeting. When she blatantly flirted with him, throwing in a healthy dose of sexual innuendo, he lost it. He was totally fucked because there was no way in hell he could refuse her. She played a dangerous game, telling him she wanted to bite. If only she knew the things he had stored up in his head just waiting to be unleashed.
    His role as the good and respectable professor became increasingly more pathetic by the year. Now that he was a single man, with nothing close to a serious girlfriend, his life and future were laughable. He didn’t want to be the old, lonely man that everyone loved. Old Mr. Taylor, what a sweetheart. No, he wanted a woman of his own and a life outside of work for once. He wanted Kaya. She was young, exciting, uninhibited and gorgeous. Her answers in class and quiz results proved what he already knew. She was uncommonly intelligent and would be a good intellectual match for him. Her ambition was to be a teacher, something he would love to mentor her towards. The mere thought of taking her under his wing made him happier than he'd been in ages.
    He unlocked his windowless office and held the door open for Kaya. Her heels made her taller, all legs. She walked with confidence and he wanted to spank her until she lost that self-assured smirk on her face.
    As soon as he closed and locked the door she spoke. “I’m not wearing any panties.”
    Fuck. Her skirt was already above her knees. If she bent over without a stitch of clothing on underneath he’d be able to see her pink little pussy. His groin grew hard as granite. Did she realize what a dangerous game she played? She looked like a Catholic school girl with the plaid skirt and blouse, further pulling him into the twisted fantasy of teacher and student.
    “Kaya, what do you want from me?”
    “Please don’t tell me you’re interested in all your teachers.” He needed answers to the questions that kept him up at night.
    “Hayden! Okay, maybe it was a mistake dressing like this today. It’s out of character for me. But when it comes to you I don’t seem to think straight. I’ve never wanted one of my teachers before.” She spun away from him and pushed back her hair in obvious frustration. When her arms rose, her shirt revealed an inch of her smooth, narrow back. He reached out to touch, but pulled back. “I don’t sleep around and I’m not usually the aggressive one. What you see is a result of how you affect me.”
    “I’m forty-two." He said it like a curse, as if the number was the ammunition able to destroy any chance of a relationship.
    “I know. You told me,”

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