The Ghost at Skeleton Rock

Read Online The Ghost at Skeleton Rock by Franklin W. Dixon - Free Book Online

Book: The Ghost at Skeleton Rock by Franklin W. Dixon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Franklin W. Dixon
Joe and the others ran to help him as dirt, brush, and debris rained down on all sides of the blast area.

    â€œFrank! Are you all right?” Joe cried, reaching his brother and kneeling down beside him.
    â€œSure. Just a little shaken up.”
    â€œAnd m-me too!” said Chet. “Man alive, I thought you were a goner!” The stout boy’s face was ash white and the rest of the group looked equally shocked.
    By this time, the airport was in an uproar and it was some time before everyone was reassured that the bomb planter had directed his venom only toward the Hardys.
    Meanwhile, Frank made a full report over the phone to Chief Collig. Finally a signal for departure was given and the graceful blue-and-white plane took off on its flight to Puerto Rico.
    Everyone relaxed as the plane headed out over the Atlantic. The boys sat quietly and thought about the case. What sort of a racket were they up against? Obviously its members would stop at nothing to gain their objectives. The young sleuths had already had enough close scrapes to be sure of that!
    Frank and Joe each took turns at the controls as Jack instructed them in long-range flying and navigation. It was nearing lunchtime when a voice came crackling over the plane’s radio navigation frequency.
    â€œSky Sleuth One-One-Eight-Howe-Baker! This is Tancho radio! Do vou read?”
    Frank clicked the plane’s transmitter to the proper frequency. He then picked up the microphone and spoke into it. “Tancho radio! This is Sky Sleuth One-One-Eight-Howe-Baker! Read you loud and clear! Go ahead!”
    â€œEight-Howe-Baker! This is Tancho radio! Bayport tower has requested us to convey a message to you from Mrs. Hardy! You are requested to land at Centro in Tropicale! Repeat—land at Centro in Tropicale! Over!”
    The boys were puzzled. Why land at the new Caribbean island democracy? Frank decided to check.
    â€œTancho radio! This is Eight-Howe-Baker! Would you please contact Bayport tower and have them call Mrs. Hardy? We would like to verify that message!”
    â€œStand by!”
    Several minutes passed before the communicator’s voice again crackled from the loudspeaker.
    â€œEight-Howe-Baker! This is Tancho radio! Bayport tower reports they called your home! No answer! Can we be of further assistance? Over!”
    â€œThis is Eight-Howe-Baker! Negative! We are proceeding to Centro. Please change our flight plan accordingly! Over and out!”
    Shifting course to the right, Jack headed south-west toward Tropicale. Finally the lush green shores of the island came into view. The pilot consulted a map as they flew inland and soon they sighted the bustling city of Centro.
    Arrowing in toward the airfield on the outskirts of town, Jack cleared with the tower and made a smooth landing. Almost before the plane rolled to a stop, a man in a white suit came running out to meet them. He was tall and dark with a long, drooping mustache.
    As the boys climbed out of the plane, the stranger shoved a note into Frank’s hand, then dashed off the field. Puzzled, Frank unfolded the paper and read the typewritten message. It said:
    Danger. Do not come.

    Cross Fire
    CHET groaned in dismay at Mr. Hardy’s message. To have come all this way and not go on to Puerto Rico.
    Jack had a different idea. “Maybe it’s a trick,” he suggested.
    â€œYes, and the radio message too,” Frank agreed.
    â€œThen let’s find that guy and make him talk!” Joe urged.
    â€œOkay. Anybody see where he went?” Frank asked.
    He and the others stared around the field. With several airliners loading and discharging passengers, the place throbbed with activity. Tourists swarmed about the terminal building.
    â€œThere he is!” cried Tony, pointing to a tall figure in a white suit talking earnestly to a group of men. They were standing near the roadway that bordered the field.
    Joe took off at a fast sprint. All

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