The Fledge Effect

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Book: The Fledge Effect by R.J. Henry Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.J. Henry
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guiding his hand to do
it once more. The pain transcended throughout
her, making the sensation of him inside her feel
unimaginably amazing.
She wrapped her hands around his
head, forcing him back on her breasts. It made
him faster in movements, deeper, and made her
unable to hold back her loud moans that escaped through her lips. They increased in volume as he swung his hips harder in between
hers. He cuffed her mouth, as he slid his lips
onto hers, filling her mouth with the soft
warmth of his swirling tongue. She could only
imagine what type of damage it could do if used
lower. Then, he did go lower.
“ Jesus Fucking Christ !” she gasped,
trying to catch her breath.
Muffled moans could be heard outside
the office. David grinned uncontrollably at
George. “Sounds like he is giving her a good pounding .”
George threw his clipboard at him.
“Shut up!”
David still couldn’t help but laugh. He
patted his knee. “I wonder what her walk of
shame looks like. Heh-he .” His laugh was highpitched, and it made George’s ears hurt. He
placed ear buds in, and blared music through
David shook his head, grinning like a
fool, as he tapped away on his keyboard. “You
know,” he said, “there is sure-fire team I am
thinking on betting on. Maybe a dime.”
George stared heavily at him. “Make
that bet, I’ll save you the trouble and just steal
your money.”

Chapter 6
    The sun, warmer than yesterday, beamed down.
Guns blazed in the distant air as rows of
militant guards tested the latest weapon machinery produced by Brinks; the M6 machine
gun, and the .308 sniper rifle were remodeled to
shoot not only bullets made of steel, but also
bullets filled with the CBH virus. Designed to
penetrate and release its effects upon the victim.
“Are these necessary?” Carlson tightened his hands into a close-knit grip behind his
back as he eyed his partner with caution.
Her porcelain complexion and baby blue eyes
failed to fool him as, he supposes, they have
done with her past male colleagues. “Agent
“Shhh,” she hushed. “I heard you.”
He cleared his throat. “Well?”
Her eyes darted back towards him. “For
my plan, it is quite necessary.”
“What exactly was your plan again?” he
half-joked, concerned about the realism of this
said plan.
“To build a newer world; a better world.
A nation that will never fall.”
Brinks smiled with a menace that sent chills
down his back. “Oh,” he gasped.
She twirled an empty bullet casing between her fingers. “Besides, I have a man working on the other part to my plan. He will give me
what I need to fill this. Doctor Johnston. You
may have heard about him.”
“What is that?” he said, pointing at the
flexible casing.
“A bullet designed to disintegrate once
in contact with blood. It will then allow the contents inside to seep through its victim’s bloodstream.”
“Right. The man who won a Nobel Prize
and gained tenner ship at the University, wasn’t
he wrongfully accused of his wife’s death, but
was then found innocent? How are you sure he
is still working on it? Who is to say he didn’t
trash the idea?”
She giggled. “Because, I told him if he
doesn’t make it, and then test it, Calista will
know the real reason for her Mother’s death.”
“His Daughter?”
“Yes,” she affirmed.
“Okay, then.”
“We have to leave. We’re going on a
short trip.”
“Where?” his curiosity peaked, as her
demeanor changed from a proud stance to a
concerning slouch.
She quickly stood with her back stiffened and shoulders squared, clearing her
throat. “Like you were insinuating, we need to
make a visit.”
“Are we going to do actual detective
work for once?”
“Only if it pertains to this project.” She
clicked the door handle, and swung open the car
door with force. “Now come on.”
He hoped in the seat next to hers. In
one swift motion, she shut the door, started the
engine, and drove out of the lot. Carlson barely
had enough time to shut his

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