Seth's Cravings: An Endless Series: Book 2

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Book: Seth's Cravings: An Endless Series: Book 2 by Sara Hess Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Hess
seemed more harsh than usual and I wondered
if there was something going on with him. “I don’t like being ruled by my
dick.” I growled.
         He rolled his eyes. “It’s not ruling you; you’re just
taking it out of the equation. Once you’ve had her it will be happy and then
you will be happy. It’s simple mathematics.”
         “I’m not going to fuck someone I don’t like or
respect.” I grumbled.
         “Are you trying to tell me that you’ve respected and
liked every girl you’ve screwed, because if you are I know you’re lying?” Landon
exclaimed scornfully.
         I dipped the toast in my egg yolk. “No, I haven’t, but
I’ve reached a point in my life, unlike some man-whore people, where I do want
to like and respect the person I take to bed. Sure I can get some quick
half-ass relief with same random chick, but it just hasn’t been enough.” Hell,
sex with Melissa had been missing something and I’d cared about her.
         Shit, the last time we were together I’d been thinking
about someone else, and it still rubbed me raw that I’d had one of the best
sexual releases I could recall having with her on my mind.  
         Landon stood up. “Well, I tried, but as I said before,
I don’t understand why you guys let chicks mess with your heads so much. And
just for the record I don’t know why you don’t like Nadezhda; she seems okay
for a girl, and she kicks ass at playing poker.” Landon walked away with a
         I glared after him. I knew he’d conned me into that
last poker game knowing that she would be there. How had he guessed that I was
into Nadia? Shit, who cared if he did. He didn’t know what I had walked in on ten
days ago; that fucking Dale asshole on top of her in a bed and she had looked
perfectly content to be there. It still made me furious thinking about it.
     I had started to believe I’d made a mistake about her as we had talked
that night. Then I’d walked by that room and heard her voice. When I’d opened
that door…fuck…I’d wanted to rip that guy off her and smash his face in. It had
taken everything in me to walk away leaving them lying on that bed together.
I’d felt like I’d been played.
         After my anger had cooled some I came to the conclusion
that she was exactly like I’d first thought; self-centered, arrogant, fake, and
a slut if she slept with a guy after two hours of knowing him. I may be
two-faced disliking her for these reasons since I’d had quite a few one-night
stands myself, and I had a few friends who lived promiscuously as well, but I
couldn’t seem to separate my feelings from logic.
         Done eating I headed off to my first class that began
at nine. Two classes, a work out, and five hours later I was driving my truck back
into the driveway. It was close to two o’clock so the plumber should be here
anytime which meant getting the water back on. I walked into the house to find
that Landon was the only one home. He was on the couch doing school work with
the television on.
         I slouched down in the chair. “Where is everyone?”
         “No one wants to be here with the water off because you
can’t use the bathroom since the toilets don’t flush. It’s a pain in the ass. They
had better be able to fix it today.” He groused.
         “Any competent plumber should be able to. Shit, I could
do it but it’s the landlord’s responsibility, but if for some reason they send
someone who can’t fix it today than I’ll go get the supplies and do it myself.
I’m not going without water tonight.” I stated categorically.
         Just than the doorbell rang. Whoever it was they were
on time which was a good sign. We both moved at the same time to get it, but I
got there first and received the shock of my life.
         Nadia was standing at my door…a completely different
looking Nadia from who I was accustomed to seeing. She was dressed in old jeans,
an oversized

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