The Fangover

Read Online The Fangover by Erin McCarthy, Kathy Love - Free Book Online

Book: The Fangover by Erin McCarthy, Kathy Love Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin McCarthy, Kathy Love
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Paranormal
tattoo. Who has a forehead tattoo? Like no one.”
    “He’s not my boy toy.” Stella moved away from Benny. She’d had no idea a cross could actually hurt a vampire. That was an old wives’ tale. Maybe. But now she wasn’t taking any chances. She didn’t look good with bangs.
    “How do you know it was me?” Benny asked. “I’m not the only guy in the Quarter with a cross.”
    “You’re the priest.”
    “Benny, you should just go,” Stella said, her head starting to pound. “Saxon, can I borrow ten bucks?”
    “No can do, Stella-roo. I think I must have gone to the casino last night because all I have in my pocket is a receipt for condoms.”
    What? “You always buy condoms at the casino?”
    “No. Why would I do that?”
    “I don’t know! Let me borrow your phone.”
    “It doesn’t work. I forgot to pay my bill again.” Saxon wrinkled his nose. “I’m leaving. It smells like cheese in here. See you later.”
    “If you see Wyatt, tell him to bring my purse to work tomorrow night, okay?” She supposed she could live twenty-four hours without her cell phone. Worse came to worst, she would just get it at the bar when they all showed up for their usual Thursday-night gig.
    “No problemo. Catch you later.”
    Saxon was gone with a wave and Stella pointed Benny toward the door. “Time to go.”
    “I’m going where you go.”
    “Fine.” Only because she might need to use his phone again or get that streetcar money. Not that she could get into her apartment without her key. What a total disaster.
    “Can I hold your hand?” Benny asked.
    She’d rather go tanning and die. “No.” Stella pulled the door to Cort’s apartment shut behind them.
    “Can we stop for a daiquiri? I feel dehydrated. I think you took too much blood.”
    She’d taken like a thimble’s worth, but she wasn’t about to argue with him. It made her feel a little sheepish to be strolling around with her unwitting blood donor. Though Benny unconscious was a lot more desirable than Benny awake and gazing at her in total mortal devotion.
    As the sounds of Bourbon Street hit her when they stepped outside, Stella sighed.
    It was going to be a long night.
    *   *   *
    WYATT WAS OFFICIALLY freaking out. Stella wasn’t anywhere. No one had seen her since the night before, when he had gone out on the deck with her. Granted, no one remembered a damn thing after the wake, which was weird in and of itself, but it seemed like someone should have noticed Stella at one point or another.
    Stella was noticeable. Wyatt noticed her all the time. Like every second of every night when they were at work. He even knew when she went to the restroom, that’s how constantly aware of her he was. He could tell her what T-shirts she’d worn for the last five nights and if she’d worn her hair in a ponytail or not.
    But he supposed not everyone was the same way. You know. Like in a totally unrequited, pathetic crush.
    Pacing in his apartment, he gripped Stella’s purse and tried not to panic. He would go ask around and see if anyone had seen her the night before. According to his phone, it was midnight, around the time everything went fuzzy in his memory the night before. He knew a lot of the bartenders, sound guys, deejays, and band members on the street, and they all knew Stella. If she had been out and about, someone who knew her might have seen her.
    So he took to the street, her phone and his in opposite pockets. Maybe she’d call him. Or herself. Because that made sense. Not. But it was his only plan.
    He lived on Burgundy and Conti, and as he headed toward Bourbon, he popped his head into a few local bars on the way. No one had seen Stella.
    Cutting the corner close at the daiquiri shop, Wyatt glanced in, annoyed as usual at its neon flashing lights and sparkly floor. Too much stimulation for a vampire, though he supposed that hadn’t been factored into their decorating.
    But he forgot all about the floor when he saw a tan,

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