The Facebook Killer
to you this day?”
Serge asked.
    “I’ve brought that shopping list I told you
my boss was writing,” Kalif replied.
    He slid it over the bar, still in it’s
envelope. Serge glanced cautiously at the door before opening it.
He read silently for a moment.
    “Your boss must be a very rich man,” he
    “I told you before, money’s no problem dude,”
replied Kalif.
    “Obviously,” he continued to read the list,
“some of these things may take some time to get,” warned Serge.
    “We need them all within two weeks and we
also need somewhere safe to keep them.”
    “This is going to be very, very expensive my
young friend. What are you planning to do? Start a fucking
    “It’s already begun I’m afraid,” Kalif
    “Do you have a contact number?” Serge
    “No. I’ll come back. How much is all that
going to cost?”
    “It will take me a day or two to get all the
prices together. Come back to see me on Friday. Bring your boss if
you like, we can all have a drink together,” he smiled.
    “He’s not really the social type but I can
ask him.”
    “I’m going to need quite a big deposit for
some of these items,” Serge said.
    “How much?”
    “Oh, around thirty thousand,” he replied
without batting an eyelid.
    Kalif had the money in separate envelopes,
£10,000 in each. He handed three over to Serge.
    “Thank you my friend. I will do my best to
get it all as quick as possible. Some of these smaller things you
will have on Friday.”
    Serge and Kalif downed their vodkas, slammed
the glasses on the bar and said their farewells.
    I must admit, when Kalif told me of the delay
I was more than a little pissed off. I had planned to send Norman
out the next day for his dose of fruit. An apple a day keeps the
rage at bay, or even every two days for that matter.
    I decided that I would send Norman out anyway
but I told him of the change of plan. He seemed quite happy. I
don’t think he was all together happy with killing people.

Chapter 10
    Asif Hussain
    Hussain was number eleven
on my list. Age: 31. Status: Married. Likes: Nights in with the
family. Dislikes: Going to work. Favourite Film: Titanic. Favourite
Music: Ahmed
    The secret life
of Asif Hussain. On the surface he appeared quite the family man.
Devout mosque-goer. Married for eleven years to Hamid’s elder
sister with four kids. Nine to five job at his brothers “fashion
factory.” In fact his page made him look like a very upstanding
member of the community. Thirty-six photos, mainly of him, the wife
and kids, yet one picture looked out of place. I couldn’t quite put
my finger on it. Hussain was sitting in a garden, an old stone wall
with trails of ivy behind him. He was off centre, too far to the
right of the frame. It was the only picture of him alone, without
family or friends all around. Probably taken in a pub beer garden
by the looks of table and umbrella.
    I knew that wall. I mean I didn’t know it but I had seen it somewhere before. It
must have been on someone else’s page. After all for nigh on a year
that’s all I had looked at, that and BBC news. I hadn’t looked at
or done anything else. I hadn’t watched movies or read a book.
Maybe I should send one of the boys out to a fine restaurant one
night or the theatre perhaps? On second thoughts perhaps not. We
have a job to do. When it’s complete there’ll be plenty of time to
    I opened up my
“apples” folder. I didn’t have to go onto Facebook anymore I had
all of their details in a nice hidden file.
    I searched
through all of Hamid’s friends’ photographs. After almost an hour I
was about to give up when I spotted it. Alicia Bell. Status:
Single. Age: 24. Sitting in front of the same stone wall, the same
ivy trails and the same table.
    I copied both
pictures and pasted them next to each other. It was the same
photograph. That’s why Hussain was so far over to the right; he had
his arm around Alicia Bell. They had

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