The Exodus Sagas: Book I - Of Spiders And Falcons

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Book: The Exodus Sagas: Book I - Of Spiders And Falcons by Jason R Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jason R Jones
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Saberrak noticed that one was moving round the left side to get behind him. The chained hook flew out at the feet of the first one, catching tight into the flesh. The beast laughed at the minotaur, until he hit the floor, still seeming to enjoy the pain. Saberrak’s axe swung high, taking off the left hand of another troll cleanly, then he swung again with a stroke from the back blade using his great strength to cleave the axe blade into its flank. Dark green blood coated the weapon and the smell of oily rotten fish was all the minotaur could compare the penetrating nostril poison to. The third, still moving in from behind, would be hard to get the minotaur now as he rolled between the front two standing up only to sever the spine of the tangled freak with a mighty two handed chop from above. The steel blade hit stone floor, echoing loudly in the pit. Saberrak rapidly stepped behind the second troll, still stunned by his wounds, and used him as a shield from the craftier one behind. The horned gladiator lifted from below, hoisting the tip of the axe into the crotch of the green demon with no hand. Face to face, it cringed and grabbed the minotaur. Saberrak let out his low roar, anger and determination filled his throat as he stepped back, lowered his head and rushed forward, crushing the two into the wall. His curved horns soaked in troll blood from the screaming beast he just punctured and carried, the minotaur pulled his adornments free from the soft flesh and suddenly cut the wretch in half just under the ribcage with a fluid stroke of his double headed battle axe.
    The pieces fell to the floor, rolling downhill in a disturbing visage of soft flesh and pattering and twitching parts. The third troll, fearless as his horned enemy, ripped into Saberrak’s flesh. The shoulder bled first, then his chest, leaving deep cuts and running blood with its black dirty claws. The minotaur raised his axe, deflecting more heavy clawed hands that were knocking him back step by step. The beast made a fatal move as it thought it had the upper hand, it tried to bite the horned warrior over the axe and take him by force. Saberrak lifted his weapon, turning one of the ichor covered blades inward at the swamp demon’s throat and then with his hand between the double blades and the other on the lower handle, he pushed. With pure arm strength, being pushed down the slope, the minotaur’s axe cut clean through the neck, spraying more slimy troll blood all over as the head came clear off. Its head rolling and screaming curses, landed at the feet of the tortured man. Saberrak kept focused on the body of the troll, still using its black eyes from afar to guide the movements of a headless body. The axe pulled back, one handed now, as Saberrak pushed the unstable creature back with a strong-arm blow followed by an arcing cleave from the axe through just inches above the hips and cutting the spine. The collapse ended the motion and the eyes of the screeching head closed. The minotaur looked at his wounds, still dripping red, they would heal he thought, and eventually be just another unpleasant reminder of home.
    Saberrak the gray approached the man, looking for his wounds, yet there were none to be found. The man stayed perfectly still, breathing deep breaths, staring at the minotaur as he came closer. The horned one hefted his axe over his head, striking hard into the chains that bound the man. The noise was deafening, and again Saberrak struck the chains, though he knew not why. Over and over, the gladiator chipped his axe blade, yet managed to get through the chains obviously meant for something of a monstrous size, not this human. Finally, after what seemed like hours of hard labor, the four chains were cut through.
    Not a word, the man made no gesture from behind his unkempt and ancient beard to talk, speak gratitude, or communicate, just staring with those inhuman eyes. “You are free, human, no one should endure what you have…” He stopped,

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