The Erotic Quest of Dirk and Honey

Read Online The Erotic Quest of Dirk and Honey by Roland DeForrest - Free Book Online

Book: The Erotic Quest of Dirk and Honey by Roland DeForrest Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roland DeForrest
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breast packed tightly into a skimpy bra covered with gold coins. An excited, guttural cheer broke from the men around Dirk.
     With her face hidden behind a smaller veil, Jamilia danced fluidly, slowly lowering the large veil in her hands. Glimpses
     of her breathtaking figure were possible now. Her slightly rounded belly undulated and rolled. In her navel, a large emerald
     glistened and twinkled like a small green island of calm in the midst of a windswept white lake. Low on her rounded, swiveling
     hips, another band of gold coins clinked in rhythm to her erotic movements, a small girdle of tinkling sounds. A full skirt
     of shiny blue material, split enticingly up the front, swept around her in a full circle and her creamy thighs flashed through,
     and now and then her perfectly proportioned legs.
    One look at the fully rounded figure, the large whitebreasts jiggling provocatively, told Dirk for certain that whoever this Jamilia was, she could not be the exact duplicate
     of his mystery blonde. That beauty he’d found in Central Park had been a mere girl no more than sixteen .years old, and though
     she was spectacular, she did not as yet possess such a full-blown womanly body. However, in the heat of this moment, he was
     so entranced by the accomplished dancer before him that he did not care; he was dying of curiosity to see her face.
    As if Jamilia had read his mind, at that precise instant, with her back to the audience, her hands rose gracefully to the
     scarf covering her head. With a quick tug, she yanked free the gauzy piece of material and shook loose a mass of striking
     blonde hair that tumbled past her shoulders, shimmering like spun gold in the bright spotlight.
    Dirk bolted upright on the pillow—her hair was exactly the same tone of blonde as that of the girl in the park! He waited
     breathlessly for her to turn to the crowd of hollering, appreciative men. Her full hips swaying like a flag in a gentle breeze,
     she slowly came about, her face partially obscured by soft, curly tendrils of golden hair. With an almost impatient toss of
     her head, she threw the hair back from her forehead and smiled serenely—straight in his direction. He stared, frozen in surprise
     and delight.
    His pal had not steered him wrong. Jamilia
the spitting image of the fantasy blond he’d captured on film. In spite of the differences in their bodies, their lovely,
     angelic faces were identical—the same fine sweep of brow, the same classic nose, the same high, regal cheekbones, the same
     full, sensual mouth. Dirk’s expert camera eye could not be misled; the facial similarities were too strong to be a mere coincidence.
to be related to his quarry in some way. Entranced all the more, heswallowed his excitement, and his bird of paradise sprang into a full-grown boner. He could not wait until he was alone, face
     to face, with the magical beauty. He began to sweat with tension.
    Immediately upon the conclusion of Jamilia’s ripely erotic dance, he pushed himself to his feet and, weaving through the densely
     packed crowd of raucously cheering men, made his way to the backstage entrance. He pushed through the beaded curtain and bumped
     into the portly master of ceremonies, who emphatically barred his entrance. Dirk pulled a hundred-dollar bill from his money
     clip and shoved it into the obstinate man’s greasy palm. At once, a more-than-pleased grin broke out on the swarthy face and
     the rotund man bowed mockingly, pointing to a small, grimy door.
    Pushing his rigid dick into a less noticeable position, Dirk knocked and a woman’s musical voice called out in Spanish, “Come
     on in.” He opened the door and stepped into a cluttered, cramped dressing room that smelled like the inside of a Moroccan
     whorehouse—sickly sweet perfume, sweat, and the arousing, intoxicating scent of women. Jamilia stood before a full-length
     mirror on the opposite wall, wiping her beautiful face with a towel. Her full

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