The End of the Rainbow

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Book: The End of the Rainbow by Dontá Morrison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dontá Morrison
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attention than you already do. And for Gods sake unfold your arms.”
    “I got a date.” Kerry said with glee.
    “What, with who?” Spencer asked with a look of disgust
    “This fine brother that works across the way at the record store.”
    “Congratulations Kerry. What Motor Inn are you going to? I’m sure they have a Snooty Fox up here somewhere.” Lea said.
    Kerry gave her a death stare and then focused his attention back to Spencer. “Anyway the brother has gorgeous dreadlocks, a body fresh out of jail, and luscious lips that I would love to suck dry. I just wish he were wearing sweats so I could see if he was swinging or not.”
    “Oh my God. You are so trashy.” Spencer said.
    “Bitch please, you wish you were more like me. When the last time you got some dick?” he stood waiting on an answer with arms folded.
    “I love myself too much to be throwing my ass to everybody that I think is fine. Kerry you are like school on Saturday.”
    “What is that supposed to mean?” Kerry asked.
    “No class.” Spencer and Lea said in unison.
    The young lady behind the register couldn’t help but overhear their discussion and for the most part it was making her mundane day a tad more delightful. “Fuck y’all.” he said, as he looked each one of them up and down “All three of y’all” The cashier stopped ringing up the items so she could let go of her laughter, and Spencer began to make apologies to her on behalf of his ill-mannered friend.
    Lea paid for her purchases and they walked through the rest of the mall managing to spend a great deal of money on items that none of them truly needed. Clothes, shoes, accessories, whatever they saw that caused them to pause, they purchased. After three hard hours of shopping they decided to make a pit stop for nourishment before heading back to wait for the sunset the director longed for.
    Khalil filled them in on how Lauren was doing and informed them that if all went according to plan he was heading back to L.A after filming. Lea agreed to fly back with him, Spencer however, opted to stay with Kerrion just in case something broke out and he needed his help. Khalil knew Spencer wanted to stay so he could hit up a club or two. In spite the façade of being happily single, he secretly desired something long term. Of all the men Spencer ever dated, none of them ever had any length or meaning, and since longevity is not an active word in a lot of black gay relationships, most have had their hearts broken on more than one occasion. Khalil wished that he could introduce his best friend to someone as loyal as Tyrin, but in his heart of hearts he felt as though Tyrin was the last one left.
    At 7:30pm the director announced that the video was a rap and all that could be done was. Khalil let out a joyous sigh and immediately headed to the airport to catch the next flight back to L.A. He was in a funk about not talking to Tyrin over the course of two days and decided to set up something nice for his baby when he got back home.
    It wasn’t as if they hadn’t tried to talk to each other, but as fate would have it they kept playing phone tag. Tyrin had left numerous messages letting him know that he was thinking of him. When Khalil would find the time to call him back he would be in a meeting with a client, or on a conference call. Both men realized early on that it wouldn’t be easy to be involved with someone that had an equally hectic schedule, but with much understanding they have managed to make it this far.Immediately after arrival back into L.A., Khalil made a quick stop for some much needed items, before heading to the house. Once home, he was pleasantly surprised to find it empty. He skillfully set the atmosphere and hopped into the shower to assure freshness.
    He was in a very sensual mood and wanted to make sure that every crevice of his body was clean and ready for tasting. He walked around and did a final survey making sure that everything was where it was

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