The Elf Girl
protection, what your secret was, why your parents took you to the Human Realm, and why they left. If I asked questions about the situation, she became angry and teary-eyed. She wanted to tell me, but she couldn’t. She had to keep you safe. It was something she believed in, something she fiercely wanted to keep with her, and knowledge she didn’t want getting into the wrong hands.”
    I wanted to ask what Addison meant by “the wrong hands,” but refrained. I was still processing the fact that I had a sister, an elfen sister, one who had tried to protect me all my life. I suddenly felt a little gloomy. A sister I had never known did her best to keep me safe, and I had never known.
    “So why come now, Addison? Why the sudden interest in me?” I wondered.
    “Because Zora is missing, and you are the only one who can find her.”
    “How can I help?” I asked, feeling skeptical. “I don’t even know her. I didn’t know she existed until just now. I didn’t know who I was until just now, and actually, I still don’t think I completely understand.”
    Nevertheless, something inside of me told me I had to try. I had to try to save Zora. Deep inside, I had a sudden, ferocious need to find her and protect her for a change, like a calling.
    “When your sister was taken, we found a note.”
    “She was taken? Taken by whom?”
    “I can’t give you all the details here, but our Realm is embroiled in a war. It’s our Realm against a Fairy Realm,” she revealed.
    “Wait, fairies? Fairies truly exist?”
    “Yes, they do. Why wouldn’t they? After all, you are an elfen, or have you forgotten already? Magic is real, Ramsey.”
    “Yeah, I just wish it had come to me sooner,” I muttered, propping up my arms to rest my chin on my palms.
    Addison gave me a pained look. “I’m sorry about…your situation here.”
    I sighed. “Let’s not talk about it. I want to know more about this war, about my sister.”
    “All right. Well, don’t ask me how the war started; it’s not important right now. It would take too long for me to explain in such a short amount of time. Since its beginning, the majority of the war has been fought in remote parts of our Realm. Common village elves were untouched by the destruction and violence until just recently, when fairies started raiding our towns and cities. Three months ago, fairies that invaded our town took your sister. All she left behind was her note.”
    “What did the note say?”
    “Find my sister and you’ll find me.”
    “That’s it?”
    “That and the area you lived in, Wisconsin. I can’t believe I actually found you. You could have been sent to any other place by now.”
    “I’m glad you found me, too. Life hasn’t been easy for me.”
    “I can imagine. For whatever reason your parents needed to bring you here, I know for sure it was a good one. Bringing you here was a tremendous risk. They would never have done this to you if they hadn’t needed to. I was afraid you wouldn’t fit in.”
    “Well, you were right,” I said bitterly.
    “Don’t blame your parents. They always loved you, Ramsey.”
    “I wish I’d known that.”
    “Yes, I do, too,” she said sympathetically.
    We sat in silence for a while. I had to take a moment to understand everything. I, Ramsey Wilder, was an elfen, a female elf. I was an elfen with a hidden secret and a clouded past. My real parents hadn’t been seen in eleven years, and my sister had been captured by fairies. Why did they take her? I had no idea. Addison didn’t know either. All I knew was that I had a secret that had so far doomed me to a life with judgmental humans. I thought that finally getting some answers would better my situation. Instead, I was just an even bigger – and confused – freak .
    “So what happens now?” I finally asked. “Now that I know, now that you have tracked me down, what comes next?”
    “You decide.”
    “What are my options?”
    “Stay here with your human family and live as an

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