The Earl's Complete Surrender

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Book: The Earl's Complete Surrender by Sophie Barnes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophie Barnes
continuing along the hallway, his footsteps gradually blending with the silence.
    â€œHe seems quite taken with you,” James said, slanting a look at Lady Newbury as he guided her toward the stairs.
    â€œScarsdale was wonderfully supportive after my husband’s death. He was one of Newbury’s closest friends and the only one who took an interest in how I was faring in the wake of Newbury’s detrimental duel with Wrightley.” She halted at the foot of the stairs and drew away from James so that she could better face him. “I get the distinct impression that the two of you have your differences. Personally, however, I cannot fault Scarsdale for anything since he has shown me nothing but kindness.”
    â€œI understand.”
    She winced a little. “I very much doubt that, my lord.”
    He couldn’t help but frown. “Why do you say that?”
    Tilting her head, she regarded him a moment. “I think I would like to retire now,” she eventually said, not answering his question as she started up the stairs.
    James hurried after her. “I did not mean to cause offense,” he said, aware that his question had somehow managed to push her away.
    â€œYou’ve done no such thing. I assure you.” Her fingers trailed along the polished wood railing while her other hand clasped the skirt of her gown, raising the hem so she would not trip. “But the question you asked of me will lead to a place that I’m not yet willing to let you enter. Forgive me, but our acquaintance is still in its early stages and far too fresh for me to confide in you the parameters of my marriage.”
    â€œI wasn’t asking you to,” James said, a little bothered by the fact that she found his question intrusive when all he’d meant to do was voice his curiosity.
    They reached the top of the landing and she deliberately stepped toward him, her eyes searching his face as if to determine if he was speaking the truth. “Why do you always look so somber?” The question sounded like a private thought, mistakenly spoken aloud.
    â€œI’m a serious man, Lady Newbury,” he said, deciding to answer. “Few things amuse me.”
    â€œOr perhaps there’s another reason—­one that you’d rather not talk about.” His heart thudded against his chest and the fine hairs at the nape of his neck bristled. “The same reason you got angry when I quizzed you about your time at Eton, perhaps?”
    The muscles in his arms tightened. He tried to think of something to say—­something that wouldn’t sound bitter or snide. “Your curiosity triggered an unpleasant memory.”
    She nodded solemnly. “Then you do understand why I do not wish to continue the conversation we were having.” Raising her hand, she brushed her fingertips carefully across the right side of his forehead. “There’s a slight bump, but nothing your hair won’t conceal. Once again, I’m sorry.”
    When she moved to pull away, he caught her by the wrist, and there it was again—­that tension he’d felt before when he’d been tempted to kiss her. She didn’t want to get close, and frankly, neither did he, but to deny that there wasn’t something between them would be a fantastic lie.
    Beneath the touch of his hand, he felt her pulse quicken. Her eyes held his, displaying a confidence that would have been convincing had it not been for the slight hitch of her breath. His gaze meandered down her arm and across to her shoulder where a slight tremble of pale porcelain flesh confirmed her state of agitation. James had no doubt in his mind that she wanted to flee.
    Stubbornly, she remained where she was, perfectly still with her wrist still wrapped in his hand. He admired her control. The tip of her tongue swept across her bottom lip, innocently moistening it, and something fierce began to claw at James’s chest. A sharp inhale

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