The Driven Snowe

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Book: The Driven Snowe by Cathy Yardley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathy Yardley
herself sternly. She didn’t need the complication. She’d made the right decision.
    Angela had not gone more than ten feet when she felt a hand on her arm. She sighed. “I’m going home,” she said firmly, then turned and gasped.
    Josh smiled at her. “But it’s so early,” he said close to her ear. The brush of breath against her earlobe and neck made her shiver, and she put a hand on his arm to steady herself. He took her hand. “I’d hoped I could talk to you. Stay a little while longer?”
    She tried to think logically, but it was hard to override the continuous loop of her body, all but screaming Match!… Match!… Match!
    â€œI’m sort of tired,” she stammered, but didn’t take her hand away.
    â€œI can see that. Maybe it’s the heat,” he suggested, tugging her toward a dance floor that was closed off, the lack of strobe lights and empty bar showing that it was not in use. He steered her toward a darkened corner. “Maybe you just need to sit down for a second.”
    She ought to pull her hand away. She really ought to leave, go home, get out of the way of temptation.
    I wouldn’t want to be rude. She knew it was a lie before she even finished the thought. Besides, I really ought to find out what he wants to say.
    J OSH FIGURED HE’D be a lot more capable of persuading this woman in a logical and compelling fashion if she’d just stop turning him on like a floodlight every time he talked to her. He wanted her in his bed, now.
    â€œI just want to talk with you, if you’re amenable,” he began carefully. He continued to lead her over to where some couches had been pushed pell-mell. He was in luck—no one else was hiding out in the deserted area. “To start, I wanted to apologize for our conversation on Monday.”
    Her eyes widened…he clearly had her attention. Now he just had to see how long he could keep it.
    â€œYou’ve got no reason to apologize,” she said, with obvious surprise. “I’ve already told you…I can’t thank you enough.”
    â€œYou shouldn’t thank me, Angela. I should be thanking you.” They sat down on one of the couches. He noticed she sat as far away from him as possible, and stiffened slightly when he moved a little closer. “Friday night was incredible.”
    She smiled, her doe eyes large and thoughtful. “I know.” She seemed to sit up straighter. “I appreciated your help, believe me.”
    He laughed. She made it sound as if he’d helped her do her taxes. “So I guess you had a good time?” He lowered his voice, leaning even closer. “I didn’t hurt you too much?”
    â€œOh, no,” she assured him, also lowering her voice and moving closer toward him, as he’d planned.
    â€œSince I didn’t have time to ask you the next day,” he said, “I worried.”
    Her gaze warmed, and she put a consoling hand on his arm. “You didn’t hurt me at all,” she repeated. “Atleast, not really. It hurt a little, at first, but then…” He saw her eyes dilate, and her pulse beat a little harder in her throat. She stared at him for a second. It was all he could do not to yank her in his arms and kiss her senseless right there. “Then it didn’t,” she murmured.
    â€œI should have asked you that on Monday, but I was too wrapped up in the fact that you left without a word. And more than that, I really wanted to see you again. I just approached it all wrong.” He studied her. “Or was I all wrong, period? Would you really rather not make love to me again?”
    She nibbled on her pouty lower lip, a gesture that almost had him groaning. “It’s…complicated.”
    He grinned. “It almost always is.”
    She glanced around, probably wondering if her friends were watching. Then she leaned as close to him as she could. He could smell

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