The Dreamer And The Deceiver (Book 1)

Read Online The Dreamer And The Deceiver (Book 1) by Alex Villavasso - Free Book Online

Book: The Dreamer And The Deceiver (Book 1) by Alex Villavasso Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alex Villavasso
hind legs.
    When Emil finally stopped traveling, his body was up against the base of a tree, mangled from skidding across the terrain. He tried to move but his body wouldn’t respond. The paved trench carved out from his body was drizzled with his own blood. He struggled to keep his eyes open, knowing he would be gone if he were to close them even for a second. In the distance, he saw a silhouette of a woman walking between two specters, approaching slowly. As they neared, Emil tried once again to lift his body, but a jolt of pain streamed through him. Stay put, would you. I just want to talk. Against his will , his body fell numb in obedience to the voice that echoed inside his head. There, perfect. Now sit tight. Emil struggled to move but between the pain and the woman’s apparent control, his efforts were useless.
    “Ah! There you are, Emil. Comfy?”  Her crystal-like dress swayed as she walked closer to the wounded hero. It was both form fitting and mesmerizing.  The silver shimmer that it gave off matched the complexion of her pale face and sleek features. “It’s amazing how you haven’t went under yet, considering what’s in your system. That’s quite the feat if I do say so myself.”
    She looked to him for a response but Emil remained silent as he lay against the base of the tree, resisting the unknown substance that coursed through his veins.
    “Oh, the strong, silent type huh?” She said mockingly as she came closer. “Are you even conscious…? Good. It’ll be easier that way. Like I said, I just want to talk a little, and maybe do a little remodeling on the inside. From what I saw, you and the king have a little bad blood between each other, but don’t worry. I can fix that.”  The mysterious lady raised her right hand and examined her pointer finger as it extended and formed to a single point. Emil groggily raised his head and watched her as she moved closer, steadily trying his best to muster up his remaining strength.
    “The king specifically said to leave you alive but to exercise extreme caution. From what I see, I don’t see much of a threat. And even if you are, after I’m done with you, you’ll be anything but that.” She attempted to touch him, but as she made contact, a jolt of energy ran through her body, causing her to pull back. The two beasts beside her began to growl at the hero as he lay dormant, eager to defend the one who struck their keeper.
    “Down boys ,” she said as she shook her hands to ward off the sting. “That was cute, but you’re going to need a lot more than that to deal with me.” She snapped her fingers and the beasts that surrounded her vanished into the mist. “You were a fool to come back here, you know. We knew you’d come. He predicted it, himself. And for what? To die in the same spot that you’re beloved ‘family’ did?” 
    The words that sprang worth from her black lips struck him cold in his center. Emil’s eyes glossed over as he felt the void grow, consuming his aching heart. As he lay dormant, thoughts of his former family swooned in his head. The brighter times, the times he wished would never end.
    “The red head squealed like a pig when I gutted her. Her mother did too. The boy, the boy was a quite one. But I thought to myself, what more can you say when you’re torn limb from limb?” She snickered as she paced around Emil. “Oh, but don’t hate me too much for it. You can thank Beth for all of that. Couldn’t have done it without her. Your Mother , as you called her, had a really good taste in friends. I’m impressed.”
    From the top of his lungs , he screamed with murderous intent as he tried restoring feeling to his body, but his limbs never moved.
    “The original plan was to just have you reformed… alter a memory here, remove a moment there. You wouldn’t feel a thing. We’d all be one big happy family. But after you decided to kill Hugo, I couldn’t just let you forget about what you’ve done. Oh no, that would

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