The Doctor's Forbidden Fling

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Book: The Doctor's Forbidden Fling by Karin Baine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karin Baine
it’ll be worth it in the end. You’ll finally be able to leave Strachmore behind.’
    She couldn’t fault his logic. It was the lack of emotion she was having trouble dealing with. He apparently wanted this all neatly tidied up so he could wash his hands of everything she’d brought to his door.
    â€˜That’s what we all want, I guess.’ Unfortunately, even if she had been at her ass-kicking, emotionally detached, sleeping-at-night best, this was going to be a monumental task. If by some miracle she could engage her father in conversation long enough to convince him of the plan, the practicalities alone would cripple her.
    She needed help. She needed Nate. All that was left to do was swallow her pride and admit it.
    â€˜I know you can do this, Violet.’ He had more faith in her than she had in herself. Or perhaps it was wishful thinking on his part, pre-empting the words that were going to come out of her mouth next.
    â€˜I don’t think I can do this on my own. Will you help me?’ She almost choked on the words that went against everything she’d strived for in adulthood. This was the second time in less than twenty-four hours she’d showed him her weakness.
    By asking Nate to sleep with her, now begging him to bail her out, she made her new life into a sham. She’d flown back into town as a city slicker, an independent career woman who hadn’t relied on anyone to help her make it in the Big Smoke. Now she was back to being that simpering, frightened girl she’d done her best to escape.
    A wave of nausea crested over her as she waited for what seemed like an eternity. He’d turned down her request last night and she wouldn’t blame him for doing the same again. He didn’t owe her anything and he certainly didn’t need this clingy, emotional side of her any more than she did. She’d simply hoped Nate would be the one person who wouldn’t hold the past against her.
    â€˜I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked. You’ve done so much for us already and I know you’re busy—’ She tried to back out of this with her last scrap of dignity intact.
    His brow was furrowed in contemplation and she could almost see his refusal making its way from his brain to his lips. This smart idea had been right up there with asking the man she’d unceremoniously dumped years before to jump into bed with her.
    She got to her feet and scouted out the nearest toilets so she could have a good blub in private. It was her own fault she didn’t have a friend in him now when she’d run out on him when he’d needed her the most.
    â€˜Wait!’ Nate shot out a hand and grabbed her by the wrist, pressing against her bracelet and temporarily branding her skin with her seahorse charm. It was a reminder of everything she’d thrown away and apparently could never get back.
    It was too late. The old Nate wouldn’t have hesitated to offer his support.
    â€˜Don’t worry about it, Nate. I’ve dumped my problems on you once too often. I’ll put in a few phone calls myself tomorrow—the bank, Citizens Advice, the Samaritans...’ She forced a smile past the lump in her throat and her trembling bottom lip. Even though she’d been content on her own for a long time, somehow the thought of not having him by her side now made her feel more alone than ever.

    â€˜I’ LL HELP . W E ’ LL FIGURE this out together if that’s what you want?’ Nate hadn’t known what he was going to say until the words were out of his mouth. He hadn’t known he was going to reach for her until she’d tried to walk away. Now it was too late to take any of it back. His conscience had got the better of him again when it became clear how desperate she was for him to stick around. Once upon a time he’d been in that very position, wishing she’d stay with him at any cost. Just because

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