The Dirty Anthology

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Book: The Dirty Anthology by Anthology Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anthology
Tiny straps wrap around her shoulders, and the low cut, square neckline has a two-inch slit in the middle that clearly shows off her cleavage.
    No way she’s wearing a bra under there.
    Her cute little feet are encased in black flats.
    I’d known she had a hot body, but fuck. Me.
    That body .
    I can’t fucking deal right now, and her face just makes it all so much worse. My heart pumps like crazy and I tell myself to look away.
    I fail.
    It’s bad.
    I eat her up with my eyes. Those big blond curls I’m so fixated with frame her face, her shoulders, falling all the way down her back.
    My heart punches hard against my ribcage again, angry at me for denying it what’s before me, for subjecting it to the sight of so much beauty.
    Her eyes are highlighted by black eyeliner, framed by even darker, thick eyelashes. The look in them tells me that I’m doing it, I’m giving it all away, she can see how much I want her, clear as fucking day.
    I can’t stop.
    The same lips I dream of sucking on, stained by dark red lipstick, become so much more to me.
    Those are the lips I breathe for.
    The lips I’d kill for.
    In the future, I will do wrong, dark, evil things for this girl. To myself and to others.
    And those lips will be a big part of the reason why.
    A wild, primitive hunger roars inside my gut, demanding its due. “Jesus, you look fucking beautiful,” I growl out, too lost in the affect she has on me to even try and hide how I feel right now.
    Like I’m two seconds from picking her up and flinging her onto this couch, so I can pin her to it and rub my dick over every inch of her.
    “Thank you,” she tells me, breathless.
    That voice hits me like a lick across my cock. I force my body not to move a single fucking muscle, because if it does, it’s going to do what it wants to do and head straight to her.
    Lexi steps into the office, hands fidgeting.
    I’m making her nervous.
    Shit, I’m making myself nervous. I have no clue what I’m going to do next, if I’ll be able to rein in my impulses. “Why are you dressed like that?”
    Not that it’s any of my business, but the thought occurs to me that she might be dressed up like that because she’s planning on going out.
    She looks like a girl would look when heading out on a date.
    Fuck that. That shit is my business. “Why?” I demand again, ready to jump off the couch and block her way back out.
    “I . . . some of my new friends convinced me to celebrate.”
    I can tell by her expression that she thinks I don’t know why she should be celebrating. My mind gets stuck on her mention of “new” friends and I rack my memory for any clue as to who they might be.
    Last week, I remember her hanging out with some of the chess crew. She’d been talking in the hallway with two girls . . . and two guys.
    Two dorks that had looked like they’d been seconds away from busting a load, just because she stood near them and spoke to them.
    Is that who she’s going out with?
    An eerie stillness falls over me. I have no right to feel jealous over a girl that isn’t mine.
    Which tells me everything I need to know. This one is mine. Or, to be more exact, I am hers.
    Shit, I’ve known that for months now. It’s why I went to my father and let him know I’m leaving Kaylee.
    For her.
    For Lexi.
    Fuck my father’s consent. I’m doing it. I’m claiming this girl. Because thinking of her going out there, looking that beautiful, being herself, and some other asshole picking her up, making her feel special, dating her, makes me violent.
    I’m going to have her.
    But first, I gotta make sure she’s going to be okay about it.
    Holding her stare, I let the textbook fall onto the couch next to me and I get to my feet. Slow. My movements echo the stillness that still surrounds me. That unerring, calm certainty that I know heralds something more.


    If she reacts to me that way I hope she does, I have no idea exactly how I’m going to respond.

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