The Devil's Garden

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Book: The Devil's Garden by Debi Marshall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debi Marshall
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disorganised offender is very often raised in a household where the father's work patterns are haphazard, discipline is tough and there are external pressures: drug addiction, alcoholism or mental illness. As a child, he is virtually silent at school, retreating behind the mask of shyness but as an adult, he can disrupt his workplace by not getting along with his colleagues. Normal emotions – fear, rage, hurt – are internalised; the disorganised type is incapable or unwilling to express himself. Often physically unassuming or unattractive, they are serial loners, with no social skills at all. Finding it impossible to discourse with others, this type very often lives with their parents, or parent.
    Instead of planning the crime, the disorganised killer will strike impulsively, without warning, an attack that may be precipitated by mental illness. Their victims are usually, though not always, females and after, he has virtually no interest in what he has done. This type does not take trophies.
    Profilers have divided serial killers into distinct types who engage in either slow or fast kills. The Visionary, often a psychotic, hears voices or sees visions that order him to commit murder. The voices are variously that of Satan or God, and the victims are strangers. The Missionary is driven by a misguided, warped sense that it is his duty to eliminate certain people – often prostitutes or those of certain religious persuasions. Both engage in fast kills – the urgent need to enact their violent thoughts. The Hedonist kills purely for pleasure, and often gains financially from the murder; the Lust-driven Hedonist gains pleasure from the anticipatory and real association between sex and murder. These killers will often return to the disposal site to sexually violate a corpse, experience erotic pleasure while fantasising about murder or become sexually aroused while in the act of killing. The Thrill-driven Hedonist experiences a sensational 'rush' when killing, exulting in the mix of control and excitement he feels when a victim is powerless in his hands. The Control Freak takes extreme pleasure in dominating and manipulating his quarry. The latter types will frequently tape their victims' screams or pleas for mercy or photograph them – as was the Birnies' wont – in varying stages of their capture and death.
    Which category does the Claremont serial killer fit? Visionary? This type rarely has a controlled crime scene, moves the body from the murder site or targets a specific victim. What can point to the signature of this killer is penetration of the body using an object, and necrophilia – having sex with the corpse after death. Missionary? Though the crime scene is controlled, this type of killer does not move the body and targets a specific victim. Like the visionary killer, the missionary will not indulge in aberrant sex, use weapons of torture and will not have a prior relationship with the victim. Unlike the former, there will not be penetration with an object or necrophilia. Comfort? These killers like a controlled crime scene, often have a prior relationship with the victim and will leave a weapon at the scene. Lust? This type of killer has a controlled crime scene, may torture, targets a specific victim, engages in aberrant sex and does not know the victim. Thrill? He will move the body, target a specific victim and use penile or object penetration. And the killer with a need for power and control? The crime scene is controlled, torture is possible, a specific victim is targeted and necrophilia is often practised.
    From the way in which the Claremont victims vanish into thin air, it is likely that the killer is organised, social and clever, with an IQ that is probably above average. A person who is used to dealing with intelligent women and able to hold his own in social situations. If single, he will have a history of dating women. If married, he will maintain the façade of being a good husband and father. He

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