The Desperate Wife’s Survival Plan

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Book: The Desperate Wife’s Survival Plan by Alison Sherlock Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alison Sherlock
carpeted stairs. Something was coming for her and there was nowhere to hide. Charley drew herself up to her full height and braced herself.
    A blur of yellow labrador rushed around the corner into thebathroom and leapt into her arms, knocking her down on to the floor. Pinned to the lino, she had no choice but to endure his rough licks and bad breath.
    ‘Herbert!’ came a shout from the doorway. ‘Stop that! Leave poor Charlotte alone.’
    The dog instantly abandoned Charley, leaving her free to struggle to a sitting position.
    ‘Sorry about that,’ boomed Miss Fuller. ‘Have your cup of tea.’
    ‘Thankyou,’ she stammered, checking for broken bones as she stood back up and Miss Fuller strode downstairs again.
    Charley brushed herself down before catching her reflection in the mirror above the sink. What a mess! Her t-shirt was damp and appeared to have new white blotches where the bleach had splattered it. Her hair had escaped from its ponytail and was now framing her face in wild black curls.She peered closer and found one small curl coated with a dew drop of doggy saliva.
    She sank on to the side of the bath, staring down at her ragged hands. No longer manicured, no longer pristine. Slave-to-money hands. Cleaner’s hands.
    After gulping down her tea, she finished dusting the bedrooms and went downstairs to find the Hoover. She opened the hall cupboard and was greeted by a mess ofcoats, brooms and boxes.
    Pinning the ironing board back with one elbow, she held a broom high out of the way in order to make way for the Hoover. However, the broom handle dislodged a plastic tub on the top shelf and a large number of shoe-polish tins and brushes tumbled down around her. Charley shouted out in surprise and then pain as the tins bounced off her head. She screamed at the messycupboard, screamed at the pain in her scalp and then screamed at her own wretched life.
    She sank to the floor. Wracking sobs appeared from nowhere, and once they started Charley found she couldn’t stem the tide. Her tears were dripping on to the lid of an old ice-cream box.
    She thought back to her lovely Gaggia Gelatiera ice-cream maker. To when her beautiful home had been filled with expensivethings, as well as laughter and smiles. A time when it had been filled with the love between her and Steve.
    That all felt a very long time ago.

Chapter Thirteen
    THE CLUB HAD once been a large rundown pub in the High Street, but now it was the only cocktail bar in Grove. After its makeover, it was frequented by Upper Grove clientele who relished the long leather sofas, soft lighting and sophisticated atmosphere.
    Not that there was much sophistication amongst her work colleagues, thought Samantha, staring across to the dance floor withdisdain. There was nothing worse than watching middle-aged people trying to be cool. Moves like Jagger? More like David Cameron, she thought.
    God, she was bored. All the oldies were bopping on the dance floor. All the youngsters were downing tequila shots at the bar. She had already had to endure a soggy pizza in the Italian restaurant down the road, stuck between snotty Miranda and the headof Human Resources who kept talking about work. Was this night never going to end?
    Or even begin, she wondered, her eyes flicking around the club trying to pick out Richard, the new Sales Director. She noted a few men looking in her direction but avoided making eye contact. She knew she looked fabulous. Her hair had behaved itself; the new blue bodycon dress clung to all the right places. Modestywas for other people. She was looking good.
    But it all felt such a waste. She took a sip of her Cosmopolitan, to relieve the boredom. Not that she ever got drunk. Samantha liked to be in control. She wasn’t going to let go and make a fool of herself like the others.
    The voice was so close to her ear that when she spun round, she found herself, finally, face to face with Richard.
    ‘Hi,’ she said, giving him the full benefit of

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