The Demon's Riddle

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Book: The Demon's Riddle by Jessica Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Brown
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nature she knew was lying in wait until she was fully ready. 
    He waited forever before he broke her, backing off, then pushing in again, then backing off once more. At first Kerry thought he was teasing her, but then she realized this was a process, yet another step in the way he wanted her to come to know him. There was a deeper rhythm to the way he was loving her now, and Kerry knew this was a signal to her, that she was finally ready.  
    She felt the exact instant when it happened, and Kerry let out something between a grunt and a scream, an animal sound that came from deep inside her, one that was somehow both familiar and foreign at the same time. She felt her body lunge, pulling him in as he thrust, and Kerry felt the beginning of her first real orgasm, although she soon realized that it was actually her third or fourth, that she had had several smaller ones that sent up the giant wave of pleasure that rolled through her. 
    As soon as it happened, though, Kerry realized that it was more than just an orgasm. Cavanaugh seemed to be growing bigger inside her, and when she looked up, he did indeed seem larger, his shoulders broader as he loomed above her. At first Kerry thought this had to be her imagination, so she blinked several times in the throes of her pleasure, but each time she looked up he was bigger than the last. And he filled her completely, pushing Kerry to her limits as the wave grew into another, then another, and finally still one more.  
    She had no idea how long all of this lasted -- it might have been hours, or even days, so completely did Kerry lose her sense of time. When it finally began to subside, though, Kerry began to understand what was happening to her. She felt the transference, something taking root inside her. Kerry could only describe it as his omniscience, the way he sense and knew things, and finally Kerry knew how that happened for him.  
    When it was over she wrapped her arms around him and held on tight, knowing he was her world now as she felt the light heaving of his entire upper body. Kerry studied the ceiling as Cavanaugh's breathing slowly returned to normal, knowing as this happened that this evening had been as cataclysmic for him as it had been for her. They were one now, she knew that, but not in any sense of the way that happened for normal, human lovers. They would know each other's thoughts and feelings instantly, and that ability would be with them forever, regardless of what road Cavanaugh chose as he charted their path together.  
    They lay together like that for a long period, one Kerry knew had to extend for hours. Cavanaugh was virtually inert, except for the occasional kiss on her neck, or his hand reaching to stroke her hair. He was throbbing the entire time, inside her, and Kerry felt her insides moving with him, stretching to accommodate him.  
    Finally, though, he managed to rouse himself. Kerry knew seconds before he did this when it would happen, and she giggled in delight at the sensation of reading his actions in advance. He laughed and kissed her cheek, then rose quickly and helped her up without further fanfare, wrapping her up for a long, tender embrace after she stood.  
    With that, they made their way downstairs for the ride home. Everything about being on the motorcycle with him seemed totally natural now, and Kerry wondered how she had gone without this for so long, the feeling of being joined to him in this way.  
    He dropped her off close to the house, so that it was within sight, cutting the bike's engine to eliminate the possibility of discovery. Kerry knew she would be able to walk in and avoid her father's detection, and she giggled in delight again at the knowledge in advance that this would be happening.  
    She was filled with a delicate sense of nostalgia as she made her way to her bedroom, knowing she would be leaving this place soon, and she tried as hard as possible to soak in the memories in advance, so that they wouldn't fade once

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