The Demon and the Succubus

Read Online The Demon and the Succubus by Cassie Ryan - Free Book Online

Book: The Demon and the Succubus by Cassie Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassie Ryan
than later, so Gabriel vowed to take what happiness she could before the end of the human realm came.
    The door in front of her opened to reveal a stunning succubus with long chestnut hair that fell in waves past her well-shaped ass. Her eyes were the color of rich milk chocolate and her skin held the ethereal perfection all the succubi shared.
    “Jezebeth.” Gabriel nodded in greeting. The succubus before her had been the first of the four sisters to make it back safely to Lilith’s lair with her protector, Noah.
    Jezebeth nodded and dropped her gaze—a sign of respect. “Gabriel. Please, come in.” She held the door wide and stepped back so Gabriel could enter.
    Lilith sat in an overstuffed chair near the fire, her feet tucked up under her, her black hair pinned on top of her head as if she soon planned a dip in the swirling hot springs that graced the back corner of her quarters. Sexy, long tendrils of hair had escaped the clip to wisp around Lilith’s heart-shaped face, and Gabriel tightened her hands into fists to keep from plunging her fingers into the silky mass while Jezebeth was still in the room.
    Gabriel’s recent time spent in Lilith’s quarters had to be a well-known “secret” among the denizens of Lilith’s lair, but Gabriel wouldn’t tarnish Lilith’s authority by flaunting it in front of anyone, especially since Lilith had been through enough already during her long existence.
    The Archangel Uriel had interceded for Lilith back at the Garden of Eden and vowed before God that he would keep her supplied with sustenance so she could survive. To further complicate matters, relations between the Archangels and any other nonhumans, including each other, were forbidden. It had been difficult for Uriel to reconcile his two sets of vows until he’d found a loophole. He facilitated sexual sessions between Lilith and others, including humans, demons, and a whole host of other supernaturals. He watched and pleasured himself but didn’t participate. The sexual energy he gave off from his completion was more than enough to feed Lilith and still technically stayed within the boundaries of his vows.
    The complicated relationship between Uriel and Lilith meant both had spent countless miserable millennia owing to Uriel’s adherence to his vows before God.
    Finally, last week, Lilith had decided she’d hurt Uriel and herself enough and had asked Uriel to send Gabriel to her . . . alone.
    The past week had been the happiest Gabriel could remember. And while she still harbored guilt over enjoying relations with another supernatural, she had found her own loophole. Since she and Uriel were close, Uriel had bid her come and care for Lilith as he would himself, which gave her leeway inside that same loophole Uriel had used.
    Lilith glanced up, and as her gaze met Gabriel’s, a slow smile spread across her face.
    The intensity in that dark gaze sent slivers of arousal stirring across Gabriel’s skin and she licked her lips as her nipples tightened into hard buds and moisture slicked between her thighs.
    Lilith slowly stood, the yellow, flowing dress she wore offering tantalizing glimpses of the soft curves beneath. She glanced toward the succubus who had answered the door. “Jezebeth, let me know as soon as you have more information about what we discussed. Leave us now.”
    “Yes, my queen.” Jezebeth slowly backed out of the room, shutting the door behind her and leaving Gabriel alone with Lilith.
    When silence fell between them, the sexual tension in the room skyrocketed, buzzing against Gabriel’s skin like static electricity. She walked slowly forward, enjoying the sudden musky scent of Lilith’s arousal that perfumed the air. “I’ve missed you.”
    Lilith grinned and quickly closed the distance between them, sliding her arms around Gabriel’s waist and smiling up at her across the two inches that separated them in height.
    Gabriel molded Lilith’s soft curves against her own and slowly lowered her

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