The Deal with Love (One on One)
college at the same time as people who become famous, but that doesn’t mean they know them.”
    Christian tipped his head in acknowledgement. “You’re right. It was a little more than attending the same college at the same time. We were roommates.”
    “Are you serious?” Her voice rose on the question. Coincidences happened, but this was a bit much.
    “Well, it didn’t start out that way. We lived on the same floor in our dorm freshman year, and I got to know him. He was a cool guy. Sophomore year, we got a place off campus together. He turned pro after that year.”
    She relaxed back into her chair. “Wow. Okay, I guess you do know him.”
    His lips quirked. “Do you want me to call him? Put in a good word for you?”
    She didn’t hesitate to shake her head. “No, that won’t be necessary.”
    He peered at her for a second like he was surprised by her answer, then he shrugged. “All right, if that’s how you want to play it.”
    “It is.” She wanted to get this deal done on her own without any help from anyone. Maybe that was shortsighted of her, but she had something to prove. Everyone was looking at her, waiting for her to make a mistake. To fail. But she wouldn’t. She’d sign Drew her own way, and no one would doubt her abilities ever again.
    A knock sounded on her door. “Come in,” she called out.
    Mack walked in. “Hey, Elise, ready for me?” He halted. “Oh. Hi, Christian. I didn’t realize you were here.” His voice came out hesitantly, cautiously optimistic.
    Christian didn’t rise from his seat. Once again, his face had turned to stone, all traces of the affability that had been there a moment ago gone in a flash.
    “Well, I’m here,” Christian said. He sounded so cold, so uninterested.
    “He’s filming a piece on me for NBA TV,” Elise said, pointing to the camera.
    Mack blinked. “Oh. That’s great. Is it going to be a problem for you that I’m here?”
    “Not at all,” his son said.
    Elise wasn’t so sure. The tension in the room was so thick she was finding it hard to breathe. And it wasn’t going to get better any time soon. While she sympathized with Christian’s position, she and Mack had scheduled this meeting last week to discuss free agents and summer plans for their rookies. She couldn’t reschedule or cancel the meeting because Christian wanted nothing to do with his father. She’d just have to get through this meeting with Mack first and discuss the situation with Christian afterward.
    Ten minutes later, she realized how foolish her plan had been. Christian had returned to his position behind the camera, but his presence alone was enough to derail Mack’s attention. He kept sneaking glances at his son, barely listening to what she had to say about sending their draft picks to play in the NBA’s summer league.
    Her attention was affected, too, if she were honest with herself. She glanced at Christian out of the corner of her eye. His face was blank. Too blank. He’d never admit it, but this couldn’t be easy for him. But how could she make things better? Was it her place to try? She didn’t know Christian well. A one-night stand didn’t count in the grand scheme of things. Hell, it didn’t count in the small scheme of things. And while she had a terrific professional relationship with Mack, who’d been supportive of her appointment to GM from day one, they didn’t share confidences.
    “Are we in agreement that our two rookies will be in the starting lineup for the summer league team and that we’ll sign Adam Bateman to play as well to see if he can help us in the fall?” When no response was forthcoming, she cleared her throat. “Mack?”
    He blinked like she’d jarred him out of a deep thought. “I’m sorry. What did you say?”
    She sighed. Things between father and son couldn’t continue this way. She glanced at Christian. Even if he wanted them to.
    Christian prided himself on being a professional. Which is why he hadn’t faltered

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