The Dead Hunger Series: Books 1 through 5

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Book: The Dead Hunger Series: Books 1 through 5 by Eric A. Shelman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eric A. Shelman
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like us were – ”
    I looked at Trina, who was stirring awake from Gem’s bouncing.  I just ran my finger across my neck in a slashing motion.
    “I get it,” she said.
    I nodded.  “Oh, and I got us a new gun.”  I spun the tires and headed north.  “It works pretty good.”
    Gem put ‘Police Stations’ in the Points of Interest in the GPS and we pulled out.
    “Want some chili?” I asked.
    She hit the “GO” button, and the GPS routed it.
    “It says we’ll be there in ten minutes,” she said.  “I’m pretty sure I can eat a can of chili in ten minutes.”

    We turned the headlights off as we rolled into the area where the police station was located.  It was a somewhat residential street, East 7 th Avenue.  The police station was on the corner of that road and Officer Ponce Avenue, and a sign indicating PARKING featured an arrow pointing down the latter. 
    It was now almost 2:30 in the morning, and neither of us was familiar with Tallahassee.  We had put the radio on and heard static on too many stations.  There was a news radio station out of Orlando that was still broadcasting, and they had a pretty strong signal, because it was still coming in. 
    They were calling it a virus, and they said it started as a migraine-like head pain, then attacked the temporal lobe of the brain first, and quickly.  This was, they reported, the portion of the brain that held memory.  Destroying that first made the victims forget who they or their loved ones were. 
    This worried me, because it was the logical first step in making anyone fair game.  No sensitivities or emotions, no soft spot for anyone.  Husband.  Wife.  Child.  All just food.  As for what exactly made them hunger for flesh, it wasn’t really being talked about – not openly.  It was inferred but not specifically mentioned, because it was essentially cannibalism, and people frowned on that shit even if you were in a plane crash in the mountains in the snow and had to eat your pilot.
    The next thing destroyed by the virus was the hypothalamus portion of the brain, where hunger and thirst were controlled.  Only it did not destroy it, per se, rather it ramped it up to the extreme.  This portion of the brain, according to the reporter, who seemed to have learned a ton of brain info in the last several hours, also controlled the heart, lungs, and other involuntary actions we humans so easily perform.
    But it stopped these.  Again, not so much spoken, but implied by the talking heads.  So the virus killed off your memory, shut down your involuntary bodily functions, and made you ravenous.
    Sorry, but sound the buzzer please.  BZZZZZZZZT!  Symptom number two should kill you dead, and nobody seemed to have an answer for why the fuck you could continue to walk around without breathing and with no heartbeat.  And I swear, from my confrontation with them in the store, I saw their nostrils flaring as they held their eyes on me, so they could smell.  They can smell.
    And did this disease affect the actual dead?  And if the answer was yes, did they reanimate?  What happened if you just died naturally?  Did this act like a safety net?
    N ot so fast, partner.  Heaven can wait, ‘cause I gotcha.  Now get out there and eat, because you’re starving!
    If it did affect the dead, did it only do this prior to embalming?  There were too many questions running around in my head, and to be honest, the fucking radio was freaking me out a bit.  I had enough just looking at some of these victims on the side of the road.  Gem had a death grip on the butt of that 9mm, and I had the .38 between my legs.
    Lights still out, I turned left on Officer Ponce Way, and the parking lot entrance was about 100 yards down on the left.  I stopped at the pivoting barrier and realized in seconds that the power was out, and pulling the parking card was not going to get me anywhere.  I gunned the

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