The Dead Don't Bleed: Part 1, The Outbreak

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Book: The Dead Don't Bleed: Part 1, The Outbreak by S. Ganley Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. Ganley
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the team leader instructed the pilot to make a lazy circular pass over the central part of town where they would continue recording video of the conditions inside the city. While that was occurring he plugged into their long distance radio system and relayed the status of their mission to the crisis center headquarters in Washington, DC. Even before subsequent testing was conducted on the samples they had collected it was imperative that word be passed along that based on the teams observations in Browns Mills they were clearly facing a deadly and virulent pandemic. The recommendations of the team leader would be to immediately implement quarantine procedures for this entire area.
    With all the stops he had been forced to take along the way , his drive towards Camden was taking much longer than he had planned. Despite not being able to hold down any food or liquids his unsettled stomach had forced him to drive from toilet to toilet where each time he would suffer violent and painful bouts of diarrhea. His last two stops had really caused him to worry about how severe his condition was, during those episodes he had noticed that the toilet had been full more with dark blood than anything else. His trip was further delayed when his fever had reached a point that he was unable to concentrate on the road. He had pulled into a roadside rest stop and stretched out across the bench seat of the truck where he had fallen asleep for close to two hours. He had awoken covered in sweat but relieved to note that his fever seemed to have died down enough that he felt it was once again safe to continue on.
    Several miles east of Medford, New Jersey along route 70 he came upon a hastily formed state police checkpoint. While the police manning the checkpoint were funneling vehicles through a single lane of traffic they did not appear to be restricting movement in either direction yet. As Carl waited ten car lengths back for his turn to pass through the checkpoint , he watched as two large military transportation trucks pulled off to the side of the road by the police cars. Soldiers dressed from head to toe in chemical protective gear beginning jumping from the back of each truck and went immediately to work unloading supplies while a senior member of their group gathered the police officers off to the side for a conference. Carl could see that while there did not appear to be a sense of overall urgency in the efforts to unload and set up equipment, the state police officers appeared uneasy at the sudden appearance of a force of soldiers in protective gear while they had nothing more than surgical gloves and paper face masks for their own protection.
    When it was his turn to pass through the checkpoint the state police officer manning the post saw the official looking emblem along the side of Carl's truck and waved him through without delay. As Carl maneuvered through the last few road cones at the end of the checkpoint he looked back in his rearview mirror to see a handful of soldiers moving in to replace the lone police officer who had just waved him through. With the exception of the car directly behind him that had already passed through the checkpoint the soldiers pulled a barricade across the road and began directing westbound traffic to turn back around. The roads leading out of the affected zone were now being closed as a quarantine was put into effect, Carl had made it out with only moments to spare. He now had another hour and a half drive until he reached the hospital in Camden, he was sure that if he could get checked in and started on some antibiotics he would start feeling better in no time. He concentrated on his driving as he felt yet another rumbling in the depths of his stomach and he knew it was time to start looking for another place for a fiery bathroom break.
    It had been thirty minutes since they had received permission to institute quarantine procedures. Dr. Woods had relayed orders to the appropriate field sites

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