The Dangerous Gift

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Book: The Dangerous Gift by Jane Hunt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Hunt
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leaving the television on. It was his fault they were like strangers now. He couldn’t live with Jen as a mere acquaintance. He must do everything he could to expedite her return to England or risk losing his mind completely.

    Chapter 5
    Jennie lay on her bed with the melted ice pack against her swollen ankle. Relieved and happy Harry would recover, she’d managed a civil conversation with Jared. If she could stop seeing him as a potential lover, maybe they could rekindle their previous easygoing friendship. It was the best she could hope for now. They would be business partners and remain close but platonic friends. Jared’s relationship with Darleen made anything else out of the question. Jennie could stay on the ranch because of Annie and Ralf’s bequest—if she accepted Jared’s unspoken rules. If not, she must sever all ties and refuse the legacy, both for the ranch’s viability and her sanity. Worst-case scenario, she would return to England and pick up her life there, even if it felt like running away again.
    Look how well running away turned out for you last time , her subconscious taunted. She’d lost the only man she could love and let someone else take her place in his bed. She couldn’t change the past and must get on with her life. Why waste it loving a man who didn’t love her with the same passion and intensity?
    Exhausted from the constant mental battles, Jennie sought a distraction. She picked up a long-forgotten romance novel from her nightstand and blew away the thick coat of dust from its jacket. She relaxed back against the soft pillows and lost herself in a world of paranormal characters and apocalyptic battles. She barely noticed the main door thud as it clicked shut. Jennie didn’t connect the roar of a truck engine with Jared’s departure until a dog barked. It sounded like Rex. Jared must have gone to see Harry and left his dog behind.
    Rex howled, more plaintively this time. She needed to bring him inside until Jared came back or all the ranch dogs would bark.
    Jennie flexed her ankle; it was less painful after her rest. She eased off the bed, straightened her clothes, and ran a brush through her tangled hair. Looking out her bedroom window, she noticed a new silver truck she hadn’t seen before parked in the ranch yard. It looked empty. They must have visitors, which explained why the dog had barked. She scanned the busy yard but saw only animals and the ranch hands, none of whom would have owned such a fancy truck.
    Jennie walked downstairs, reluctant to see anyone in her disheveled state. Perhaps she could let Rex in through the office doors without alerting the visitor. The silhouette of a tall woman was visible through the front door’s obscured glass panels. Jennie took a step closer but still couldn’t identify her caller. She stepped back and turned away. Too late. An impatient knock made escape impossible. She opened the door and narrowly avoided being knocked over by an excited Rex.
    “Darleen, what a surprise. Jared’s out. He’s gone to see Harry.” Jennie bent down to pat the dog, and Rex licked her hand enthusiastically. Maybe Darleen would leave when she knew Jared wasn’t there.
    “Invite me in before the flies make a pincushion out of me.” Darleen put her foot in the doorway and stopped Jennie closing the door.
    Her emotions raw, Jennie resisted the temptation to slam the door in the other woman’s face. Darleen was the last person she wanted to spend time with, but politeness won out. She stood aside, patting the dog. Rex growled. “Shush, boy, it’s only Darleen. She won’t hurt you.”
    Rex’s ears flattened as Jennie’s nemesis entered the ranch house’s cool interior. Head high, Darleen walked towards the den with a confidence born of familiarity. Ignored, Jennie closed the door with unnecessary force, and Darleen jumped but didn’t falter, then sank into the first comfortable chair and

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